SAINT MARINA (Margaret) 4th C.
Died c. 304. Margaret's cults began in the East and spread
to France, England, and Germany, becoming one of the most
popular virgin-martyrs of the Middle Ages. She is one of the
Fourteen Holy Helpers (honored as a group on August 8), who
were venerated for their efficacious intercessory power.
Promises Margaret supposedly made about her powers of
intercession contributed to her popularity.
Margaret is said to have been a maiden of Antioch, Pisidia,
martyred under Diocletian. This much is probably true;
everything else related in her acta is a forgery
composed by
who claimed to have been Margaret's servant. Story takes
place under Diocletian, but doesn't appear until the 10th
St. Marina evolved in Antioch in Pisidia. This city was in
the middle of Asia Minor in Perga on the borders of Pisidia.
[Not to be confused with "Great Antioch" on River
Oranthos ('Asi),
about 15 miles east of the Mediterranean; where the See
of the Patriarch of Antioch was.] The book of Acts
mentions that St. Paul visited
in Pisidia during his first evangelical journey, and
delivered a sermon in the synagogue on the Sabbath day. Many
of the Jews believed, but some of them "stirred up the
devout and prominent women and the chief men of the city,
raised up persecution against Paul and Barnabas, and
expelled them from the region" Paul and Barnabas "..made
many disciples" in that city. St. Paul mentioned to his
disciple Timothy the "persecutions and afflictions which
happened to me at Antioch." Nothing much is left now from
that city except some ruins near a city called Yelfec on the
southern slope of the mountainous chain called "Sultan
Dağlari" in mid Turkey
Diocletian [Valerius Diocletianus,] (245-313) Roman Emperor
from 284 to 305. Diocles, on the murder of Numerian, the
army proclaimed him Emperor at
Chalcedon on
17 Sept. 284. This date was considered the
beginning of the extreme cruelty, Diocletian (as he now
chose to call himself) was famous for in torturing and
killing the Christians. He made his place domus divina and
his own person sacred. It was in 303 that the Great
Persecution broke out. He issued several edicts to demolish
churches, burn Christian books and torture and kill all who
refuse to worship him or his idols. On the other hand, he
built many temples for his gods and assigned priests and
high priests to serve them. The chief of those high priests
was called Dasius. He was the father of an only daughter
named Marina. Dasius was extremely busy with his devotion to
his offerings, incense and rites. When Marina reached her
fifth year, her mother died. Her father could not find time
to care for his daughter. He put her to the care of a
Christian governess.
This nanny was living in a small town, about 15 miles from
Antioch Pisidia. Marina lived with her new nanny away from
her father’s idols and gods and his blasphemous practices.
This nursemaid enjoyed a great deal of piety, righteousness
and love of Christ. She was fond of reading the biographies
of the martyrs and saints as well as the sayings of the holy
fathers of the church. In this beautiful, holy, spiritual
atmosphere lived little Marina enjoying the blessings of
this saint. There, in her nanny’s house she heard nothing
but prayers and religious enchanting; and she saw nothing
but meekness, faith and hope. Her nursemaid could teach her
true faith, not only by words but mostly by the good example
and the tender regard. Little Marina felt joy and comfort
with her nanny. She forgot the instability and the conjure
which were in her parents’ house, and she loved her nanny
with all her heart. She was brought up in the best of
manners. She learned courage, purity and truthfulness.
Marina lived with this saint for ten years until she was
fifteen. Her father died, but St. Marina preferred to stay
with her governess. Also, the nanny considered Marina’s stay
with her a blessing from the Lord.
St. Marina heard from her nanny a great deal
about the holy martyrs; about their steadfast faith, and
their extreme courage when facing the ferocious rulers and
the mad emperors. She was told about how those heroes did
not hesitate to declare their faith when the rulers
threatened to torture them and to throw them to the hungry
beasts. She knew how the martyrs were actually racing each
other to gain their martyrdom because of their love to
Christ the Lord. One day she started praying " You know, our
compassionate Lord, how weak the human nature is. I ask You
to give me strength to be able to conquer Your opponents and
to praise you for ever. Amen." One day, a new ruler came to
Antioch Pisidia from Asia. His name was Alupharnus. He was
assigned to capture all Christians and torture them in the
most ferocious way. While the evil ruler was in his carriage
with his soldiers looking for the Christians, he saw St.
Marina with her nanny, going out from their house. The ruler
saw them. He was dazzled by her beauty and decided to marry
her, whatever it would cost him. He sent his soldiers to
bring her to him. When they tried to do so, Marina started
praying; "Have mercy on me, O my Savior. Do not destroy my
soul in the hands of the blasphemers, nor my life by the
blood-shedders. Do not forsake me lest the sinners should
destroy my soul and defile my ears and my mind. Send Your
grace to me from up high to give me strength, and to keep me
steadfast in my faith without fear, and to be able to answer
that blasphemer according to his demand. I see my poor soul
like a lamb among wolves, or like a bird confronting the
hunters, or a fish in the net of fishermen. Come to me, Lord
Jesus Christ, and save me from their hands. Glory and praise
be to You for ever, Amen." The soldiers returned to the
ruler and told him that they could not bring her to him (to
marry her) because she was a Christian. The ruler was deeply
disturbed by the news.
The ruler was very angry. The devil moved him to frighten
this young girl with threats of torture and death. He
ordered his soldiers to bring ‘the slave’ to him by force.
When they did he said to her, "From which race are you?" She
answered, "I am a Christian, and I am not a slave." He
asked, "So, which tribe are you from? What is your name?"
She replied, "I am from the tribe of Jesus Christ. My name
is Marina." The ruler asked, "Which god do you worship?" Marina
said, "I worship God who created heaven and earth and all
creation." He asked, "Then you worship Jesus the Nazarene
Galilee whom the Jews had crucified." Yes, I do,"
she replied, "though I am not worthy that He may help my
weak soul with His grace, and save me from your blasphemy."
The ruler ordered his soldiers to keep her in his custody
until they entered the city. When they did, he entered the
temple of his gods to offer sacrifices unto them. He, then,
called Saint Marina and when she arrived, he said to her,
"Let it be known to you, Marina, that I pity your youth and
your beauty. I advice you to change your mind and obey my
orders to worship my gods and offer them sacrifices. If you
do I will surely reward you with great rewards, and you will
gain privileges over your peers." The saint answered him, "I
will never deviate from worshipping my living God. I will
offer my sacrifice of gratitude only to the great Creator,
the Savior of all mankind. "The ruler, then, said to her,
"This persistence will only cause you great torment. Your
members will be cut with iron and burned with fire. You will
suffer my great rage, and nothing can save you from my hand
except by being submissive and obedient to me. Get rid of
your stubbornness and worship my gods. This way you will
find rest, and you will save your beauty. I will, then, give
you abundantly the most expensive presents, and will raise
you to the highest ranks. You will be my wife, and will
become a princess!" The great saint answered him, "You
blasphemer, who has a cruel heart, do you think that you can
scare me with your threats ? I do believe that my merciful
God will strengthen me, and will send me help from His holy
place. I know that you have authority only over my body, but
you have no authority over my spirit. My God says in His
holy Gospel, "And I say to you, My friends, do not be afraid
of those who kill the body, and after that have no more that
they can do. But I will show you whom you should fear. Fear
Him who, after He has killed, has power to cast into hell;
yes, I say to you, fear Him." As for me, I am quite ready to
receive your torture, thus I will be worthy to join the wise
virgins in their comfort. They became worthy to gain the
real Groom, Jesus Christ, and to go with Him to heavenly
joy. My Lord Jesus Christ, whom I worship, died for our
salvation; and I am not worthy to offer my body as a
sacrifice for Him, or to suffer all kinds of torments for
His sake." The ruler became furious. He ordered the saint’s
hands and feet to be tied with ropes, and to scourge her and
beat her with clubs.
As they tortured her, the saint was looking up to heaven,
and praying, "To You, O Lord, I lift up my soul. O My God, I
trust in You; let me not be ashamed; let not my enemies
triumph over me. Indeed, let no one who waits on You be
ashamed. Let those be ashamed who deal treacherously without
cause. Show me Your ways, O Lord. Teach me Your paths. Lead
me in Your truth and teach me, for You are the God of my
salvation. On You I wait all day. Remember, O Lord, Your
tender mercies and Your loving kindnesses, for they have
been from of old." For I withstand these pains because I
confess Your holy name. Send Your mercy and compassion to me
so my grief will become joy." As the saint was enchanting
and praising the Lord, the soldiers were beating her so
severely that her flesh was torn and her blood flew
profusely. The Archangel Michael, then, appeared to her and
said to her," Great is your faith, Marina. Have more
strength, for it is by your good confession that your soul
will survive, and you will gain the holy baptism." The
people who were watching her were crying. Some of them said
, "O Marina, your pretty body has been destroyed by this
cruel ruler. His intention is to erase your name from the
face of the earth. Please, obey his orders, and believe in
his gods, so you can be saved from his torture." The great
among the martyrs then answered, "God has already helped me
and sent the venerable Archangel Michael to me to take away
my pains and to heal my wounds. He gave me strength, and
opened my eyes and I could see the wonders of the Lord who
made me able to expose and shame that blasphemer. Now, what
do you want from me, O weak in faith? Because, if my flesh
is to be destroyed, my spirit will be renewed and will be
with the wise virgins. As for you, please listen and believe
in the Lord for He listens to all who pray to Him. But I
will never bow to mute and blind gods, which were carved by
men." Then Marina looked at the ruler and said," Whatever
you want to do according to the instructions of your father,
Satan, do it as fast as you can; because my God has
comforted me, and He is my Strength. If you have a power
over my body to destroy it, you have none over my spirit.
Only my God has the authority over my spirit, and He will
save me from your hands, that I can expose you; the rejected
blasphemer who is far from the living God, and whose soul is
descending to Hades where Satan and his soldiers dwell. The
power of God is surely far from you, and the eternal
punishment is going to catch you." The ruler, becoming
exceedingly furious, ordered his soldiers to comb her flesh
with big heated iron forks. The elect saint raised her eyes
towards heaven and said," For dogs have surrounded me; the
assembly of the wicked has enclosed me... But You, O Lord,
do not be far from me; O my Strength, hasten to help me.
Deliver me from the sword, My precious life from the power
of the dog. Save me from the lion’s mouth. Help my humility,
give me strength and the Spirit of life that You may protect
my soul from defilement. With Your help I will be able to
face the devil, my enemy, and conquer him, and become a good
example for all those who seek Your holy name, which is
blessed for ever. Amen." The ruler screamed at her, "I swear
by my own life that if you do not bow to the gods, you are
going to die in the worst way, and I will cut your members
with my sword." The elect martyr answered, "O blasphemer,
what life do you have? You should know, you who worship the
defiled idols, that if I pity my body, my spirit will not
ascend to heaven and will not be crowned with the
illuminated wreaths."
The ruler ordered that she would be put in prison. When she
entered, she crossed herself and said, "O Most holy, who
designs all good matter. All creation tremble from the fear
of Your glory. You are the hope of all those who repent, and
You set all captives free. You are a father to all orphans,
and a judge to all widows. Look at my humility and poverty
and save me. Do not forsake me, my God, for I raised my soul
to You and You are my only hope." I, poor Theophimos, used
to deliver bread and water to saint Marina from her nanny
through a little window in prison. She used to write her
prayers, and all what happened to her, and give it to me.
While she was praying at night, Archangel Michael appeared
to her with a light brighter than that of the sun, and
crossed her with the sign of the Holy Cross, and all her
wounds and pains disappeared. He said to her, "Have
strength, O bride of Christ, the elect saint Marina, for you
are going to have all what you asked for. You are going to
face your enemy, Satan, fight him and overpower him. You are
also going to receive the holy baptism and your spirit is
going to rise to the eternal bliss. Marina continued praying
until morning, when the ruler called for her.
was brought to the ruler, he was exceedingly amazed when he
saw her completely healed from all signs of his torture. He
told her that he was sure then that she was a great
magician. She said," I am not a magician, but I am a
worshipper of Jesus Christ. Now your defiled helpless idols
have been exposed." The ruler was enraged. He ordered to saw
her flesh with iron saws, and to cut her skin with knives.
When he thought that she was dead, he ordered his soldiers
to put her body back in prison until she rots. Archangel
Michael appeared to her again, strengthened her, and
repeated what he said to her before. He, then, crossed her,
cured her and disappeared
While Marina was praying, a huge fearful dragon came out
from one of the prison corners. It was spitting fire from
its nostrils, and was whistling in an awesome way. When she
saw it, Marina was scared, and prayed, "O invisible God, who
tied Satan and untied those who were tied by Satan. Who
raises the dead, and breaks the power of the great dragon.
Look at me and have mercy on me so I can conquer this bad
beast with Your power." The dragon came forward towards her.
It opened its mouth and swallowed her. Because Marina’s arms
were raised in the form of a cross when she was praying,
this caused the dragon’s stomach to rupture when it
swallowed her. By the grace of God, Marina came out safely,
and the dragon immediately succumbed
When St. Marina stood again to pray, she noticed the devil
coming from the left corner of the prison. He looked like a
man, sitting down and crossing his arms around his knees.
Marina prayed "My Lord Jesus Christ, Source of wisdom, King of
kings, Eternal Rock. I thank You, my God, for you are a Rock
to those who seek refuge in You, and a Guide for those who
travel, and a Wreath for the virgins. You are the Savior of
the world. "When she prayed, she held the devil with her
hand. The devil said to her "Why don’t you listen to the
ruler, Marina, and obey his orders?" She found a hammer, and
started to beat the devil’s head with it. She stepped on his
neck and said to him," Hold it ! you cursed one, for my God
saves me from all sins" When she said that, a bright light
came upon her, and the holy Cross appeared to her with a
Dove on top of it. The Dove spoke and said to her, "Your are
blessed, O holy virgin
A crown of light has been prepared for you, and the doors of
Paradise are open, waiting for you."
Next morning, the ruler ordered his soldiers to bring
Marina. When they did, he repeated his orders to her to
worship his gods. She refused, and the ruler gave his orders
to tie her to a pole and burn her. They did. Then he ordered
that they tie her hands and legs, and put her in boiling
water. When she was in the water, St. Marina looked up to
heaven and said, "O God who dwells in heaven, I ask You to
untie me, and to make this water a baptism for me. Dress me
with the robe of salvation through it. Take away from me the
old man and put on me the new man. Make me, with this
baptism, worthy to inherit the life eternal, and make my
faith steadfast." A great earthquake shook the place,
Marina’s ties were loosened, and she immersed herself in the
water three times in the name of the Father, the Son and the
Holy Spirit. She came out of the water praising God. A voice
came from heaven, and all the people who were gathered there
heard it. The voice said," You are blessed,
You were baptized, and became worthy of the crown of
virginity." Many of those who witnessed these events
declared their faith, became Christians and were baptized.
The ruler ordered all of them to be killed. They were
beheaded, and gained the wreath of martyrdom.
The ruler was then sure that Marina’s presence conformed a
real danger for his idols and gods. He had but one choice;
to behead her. The soldier who was assigned to that task,
took her out of town, and there he told the saint that he
also believed in Jesus Christ. He told her that he saw
Christ with His angels. St. Marina said to him, "For that
reason I ask you to wait a little time so I can pray." He
agreed. The elect saint started to pray: "O God, who created
heaven and earth, hear me. I ask You, my God, for every
sinner who comes to You repenting, erase all his sins.
Everyone who comes to my alter praying, give him all what he
asks for. Anyone who is presented in a scary court of law,
and mentions my name in confidence, grant him victory over
his foes. Anyone who builds a church in my name, or writes
the story of my martyrdom, give him, my Lord, all what
pleases his heart. All sick people who ask You wellness in
my name, grant them soon, if You will, good physical and
mental health. Everyone who comes to my church, or hears the
story of my martyrdom, have compassion on him, O Lord, by
forgiving all his sins. Anyone who is afflicted, or who
falls in the hands of those who are cruel and unjust to him,
and he asks You in my name, give him deliverance and relief.
Whomsoever travels in an awful route, whether it be by land
or in the sea, help him, O Lord, and return him to his home
safely. The believers who commemorate my martyrdom, and
those who are present in Your holy alter in remembrance of
me, whether they be of the clergy or the laity; remember
them, O Lord, in that Day when they stand in front of You.
Judge them not, but rather give them comfort with Your
saints." When Saint Marina finished her prayer, a great
earthquake shook the place, and the Savior appeared to her
with his angels. The elect saint was scared and threw
herself in contrition in front of Him, but the Savior said,
"Fear not , O Marina, I came to you to grant you all what
you have asked for. You are blessed because you asked for
the sinners who come to Me repenting. I will give you more
than what you asked. Archangel Michael will protect any
church which will have a part of your body. No evil spirit
will be able to approach any place where a part of your
body, or a book of your biography is kept. Rather, peace and
the Spirit of truth will be in that place. Saint
Marina, then, said to the swordsman, "My brother, do now what
you are assigned to do." He refused and said, "I cannot
possibly kill the blessed worshipper of Christ." She
answered, "If you do not fulfill what you were ordered to
do, you will have no share with me in the
Kingdom of Heaven." Asking God to forgive
him, the trembling soldier, then, beheaded her, and
immediately killed himself by the same sword. The earth was
shaking, and many sick and disabled people who were
watching, rushed to her body seeking blessings and wellness,
and they obtained them. Many saw the angels enchanting
around the martyr Marina’s body saying, "There is none like
You among gods, O Lord." Many believed and obtained glory
with Saint Marina. As for me, poor Theophimos (Theotimos), I
was accompanying the elect Saint Marina from the beginning
to the end. I wrote her biography with all honesty. I added
nothing nor did I cancel anything from it I was the one who
took her body and put it in a casket made of marble, and I
put plenty of frankincense and scents with it. I put the
marble casket in the city of Antioch in Pisidia. Blessed be
everyone who commemorates her martyrdom, on the December
2nd. She will be interceding for him on the Judgment Day.
May her prayers and intercessions be with us always. Praised
be the Lord forever. Amen.
Her alleged relics were stolen from Antioch in 980, brought
to San Pietro della Valle, and were translated to
Montefiascone in 1145. Some of her relics were translated to
Venice in 1213, and many others are claimed throughout
Europe (Attwater, Benedictines, Delaney, Encyclopedia,
Sheppard, White).
In art, Saint Margaret carries a small cross and has a
dragon on lead (Sheppard), or trampling or standing on a
dragon, or emerging from its mouth, or piercing it with a
cross-tipped spear (White). She is invoked against kidney
disease, by pregnant women (Sheppard) (probably because she
was swallowed by a dragon and delivered whole and because
she is reputed to have promised that women who invoked her
during childbirth would have safe deliveries), and of death
(she is reputed to have promised that whoever invoked her as
they were dying would escape the devil) (White). In East
known as Saint Marina (Sheppard).
1) St. Theophimos (Theotimos) said, "One day the nursemaid of the elect
Saint Marina came to me and said that while she was praying
at midnight. a dazzling light shone on her, and an angel,
crowned with precious stones, and accompanied by a group of
angels, appeared to her and said, "I am the Archangel
Michael, who is assigned to serve Saint Marina. I came to
instruct you with what you should do: Harry up and take the
body of St. Marina from the marble casket, and put it in a
hidden tomb, because she is suffering from the continuous
honoring of her body." The nanny said that she did not
notice any crosses on him or on anyone of his followers. So,
she said to that angel that she was aware that the devil can
appear in the form of an angel, but without a cross on him.
She asked him if he could be a devil. Then, I poor
(Theotimos), answered her, " I saw the angels of heaven
taking the soul of the great St. Marina and ascending to
heaven while they were enchanting with joy. The devil surely
envies the believers who are cured every day when they visit
her body and gain her blessing." Suddenly, the blessed
martyr Marina, came to us in a white robe with golden
crosses over it. She greeted us and said to her nanny,
"Blessed be the Lord who fulfilled to me all what I asked
Him. He promised me that my spirit would be in the Paradise,
while my body will be all over the world. That way the Lord
would protect all those who touch a part of my body. You
should know that the one who appeared to you in the form of
an illustrious angel was my enemy, the devil. Cast him away
with the sign of the cross. The Archangel Michael will give
those who pray to God in any place where a part of my body
is kept, all what they ask for. This year all idol
worshipping will cease. I ask you to build a church in my
name, in the place where the marble casket is kept.
2) I, the miserable Theophimos
(Theotimos), spoke with
the saint’s nanny about building the church which the elect
martyr desired to have. She answered that she was, in fact,
joyous and eager to see the church erected, but she was
afraid that they might not have the money or the ability to
finish the project. I answered her that we were going to ask
for help from God and His believers, and He would, surely,
soften their hearts to build the church through the
intercessions of the great Saint Marina. While we were
talking, Saint Marina appeared to us in her splendid white
robe, with golden crosses all over it, and she greeted us,
then, she said to her nanny, "Didn’t I say to you that the
Lord Christ had promised to grant me all what I asked Him?
Why, then, did you doubt Him? Rise, nanny, with Theophimos
and start working. The Lord will help you, and the church’s
building will be completed." She, then, disappeared in great
glory. In the morning, a group of masons came to us and told
us that they had a dream. In their dream, behold, there was
a glorious queen who ordered them to come to a person named
for the purpose of digging the foundation of a
church. She promised them that she would pay their wages.
She even showed them, in the dream, the place where the
church would be erected. She marked, herself, the boundaries
of the foundation with chalk, and showed them a marble
casket which should be included in that building. When they
asked about her name, she answered, "Marina."
I called the nanny and told her about the masons. We all,
then, went together to the casket and found that the place
was, indeed, marked with chalk. The masons were amazed, and
shouted glorifying the God of Saint Marina. They immediately
started digging the foundation. At the sixth hour (twelve
noon,) some merchants arrived and told us that they had
traveled from their land loaded with a lot of merchandise
and money. When they approached
they were attacked by highway robbers who plundered them of
all what they had. They remained all day chagrined and
hungry, and in that evening, one of them started reading the
biography of Saint Marina. He reached her prayer, before her
martyrdom, where she said, "..and whomsoever travels in an
awful route, whether it be by land or in the sea, help him,
O Lord and return him to his home safely." They then
screamed asking for the intercession of the elect Martyr
Marina. They vowed to give tithes of whatever they recover
from the robbers to Saint Marina. Suddenly a great king
appeared to them accompanied by an honorable queen. They had
with them the thieves in handcuffs and all the goods and the
money which the merchants had lost to the thieves earlier
that day. The king and the queen returned their properties
to them and instructed them to give what they vowed to the
church of St. Marina
in Antioch. The queen said to give what they had promised
for the church to Theophimos
(Theotimos), and with it she gave them
fifty ounces of gold to deliver it to him for the same
purpose. The merchants asked about their names, and knew
that they were Archangel Michael and the elect martyr Saint
Marina Next morning, Ten men came to us with thirty camels
with them. On each of the camels there was a huge load of
stones. They told us that they arrived from a far land and
when they had approached Antioch, they unloaded the camels
and set them to pasture on the grass. They also started to
have some food. When they finished eating, they fetched the
camels, but they did not find them. Moreover, when they
tried to go back to their place where they left the stones,
they discovered that they were lost. They were greatly
disturbed, and thought that they would surely die. They
started to pray and ask for the intercession of Saint
Marina. To their great surprise, and delight, St. Marina
came to their rescue. She asked them to follow her, and she
guided them to the place of their load of stones, and they
found the camels with it. The saint told them to take the
stones to her church in
and guided them to our place. When the masons finished the
construction, the carpenters started to work. At that time,
a man came from
and said to us, "My master is a wood merchant. One day, a
terrible fire threatened all the wood in his store. He stood
up praying to God, and asked for the intercession of St.
Marina so she would save his trade and he vowed to donate
one quarter of his wood to her church if she did.
Immediately, Archangel Michael appeared to him in an
illustrious form, holding a golden cross in his hand. He
extended his hand with the cross towards the fire and said,
‘The Almighty God who extinguished the fire from around the
Three Holy Young men will put off this fire.’ The fire was
extinguished, and all the wood was saved." The man added,
"And now my master is asking you to send someone to carry
the wood that he had vowed to donate to the church." From
all these pledges, the building of the church was completed.
His Holiness Pope Gregory came to consecrate it with some
Metropolitans, Bishops and priests. They saw the great Saint
Marina in their midst. The consecration of the church was on
the second day of the month of December. May her
intercession always be with us. Amen
There was a very rich Jewish woman in the city of
Lystra. She suffered from a chronic severe bleeding. For seven
long years, no physician could help her, and she spent a
good deal of her money in vain. She became wasted, pale and
bed ridden. One day a group of her Christian neighbors
visited her, and told her that they were on their way to
Antioch in Pisidia to celebrate the feast of
the blessed martyr St. Marina in her church. She began
asking them about St. Marina, and they briefed her about the
intercessions of the saint and the miracles which took place
in her church. The Jewish lady asked them if she could
accompany them and go to her church seeking her
intercession. But they told her that she could not do that
until she was baptized and accepted Jesus Christ as her Lord
and Savior. The lady, then, felt a great urge to go to St.
Marina’s church and pray there. As if a grace came over her
and convinced her that if she did, if she was baptized,
believed and prayed to Jesus and asked for St. Marina’s
intercession, she would surely gain the cure which she had,
for so long, asked for. She immediately called four strong
men, who carried her over a stretcher, and brought her to
the church, with her Christian neighbors. There, in the
church, she asked the priests to baptize her, so she would
be able to approach the holy body of St. Marina. She was
baptized, had communion and prayed beside the marble casket
and spent her night beside it. In the morning, she woke up
completely cured. She told the priests that she saw in her
dream St. Marina and heard her saying to her, "Now that you
are healed, keep the baptism which you have gained holy."
She vowed to celebrate the feast of the holy martyr every
year. After three days the lady returned home with her
Christian neighbors. When her husband and relatives saw that
she was completely healed, they were extremely amazed. They
inquired from her about what had happened, and she told them
all about her baptism, communion and the intercessions of
St. Marina. They, then, said to her, "If what you have told
us is true, we would like to see the power of the
intercession of St. Marina in curing your sister’s leprosy.
And if the martyr’s prayers heal your sister, we all are
going to seek baptism and become Christians." She told them
that she brought some holy oil from the church of St.
Marina. They called for a priest who prayed for the sister,
anointed her with the oil, and she was cured. They were
baptized and became Christians. The family presented three
golden oil lamps and expensive curtains and many other
valuable gifts to the church. They were also persevering to
celebrate the feast of St. Marina every year. May her
intercession be with us. Amen.
When numerous miracles took place in the church of St.
Marina, the devil envied everyone who gained from her
blessings. He became adamant to conceal her body by some
cunning trick. The devil appeared in the form of a great
king with many servants and followers, to a Jewish man who
lived in Antioch in Pisidia . The devil promised this Jew to
make him rich and to give him many presents of gold if he
could find a way to steal the body of St. Marina, plus
whatever he could take from the vessels and curtains, from
her church. The Jew went to a Christian man named John, who
was related to one of the Church Board members. The Jew told
John about his intention and wanted to make a deal with him
to pay him if he would leave the church door open after the
Vespers Prayer. John warned the Jew about the consequences
of his robbery. He explained to him the power of the
miracles St. Marina performs in her church, and what could
happen to him if he despised her holy place. The Jewish man
did not believe anything he told him. One Saturday evening,
John, after the Vespers Prayer, left the church door open.
He was saying to himself that he believed that St. Marina
was capable to protect her church and give a rough lesson to
the Jew. In the thick of the night, the Jew sneaked in the
dark and was in his way to the church, when St. Marina
appeared to him and asked him about what was he intended to
do at that time of the night. He told her that he had
challenged a Christian that he could steal Marina’s body
from her church and sell it; and if he succeeded, that
Christian would convert to Judaism. He added, "I am going to
see what miracle can a dead body punish me with!" He entered
the church, and looked in the room where the icon of St.
Marina was displayed. There were three golden oil- lamps
hanging in front of her icon. He stretched his arm to one of
the wooden corbels from which the lamp was hanging, but his
hand was glued to the wood. He was hanging in the air and
started screaming, "O Saint Marina, have mercy on me!" St.
Marina appeared to him in a dazzling light and said to him,
"You have no way out until the priests would arrive in the
morning and see you hanging there." In the morning, all the
congregation witnessed that great miracle, and heard the Jew
confessing his sin. He became Christian and served in the
church of St. Marina for the rest of his life.
May her prayers and
intercession be with us and Glory be to God forever. Amen.