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Syriac Orthodox Church of Antioch
 Archdiocese of the Western United States





Life of Jesus







Happy and Blessed Thanksgiving Day

November,21 2023

Thank you God, for everything.
T - Today and all its blessings
H - Hope for every tomorrow
A - Answers to my prayers
N - Nurturing my faith
K - Kindness from friends
S - Serenity at the end of the day
G - Goals to pursue
I - Ideals to admire
V - Values to uphold
I - Intolerance of pettiness
N - Neighbors who are caring
G - Gifts of acceptance and love

Thanksgiving Day is a time-honored tradition in many countries, particularly in the United States and Canada, where it is celebrated as a day of gratitude and reflection. Here are some remarks on Thanksgiving Day:

1. Gratitude and Reflection: Thanksgiving is a special day to express gratitude for the blessings in our lives. It's an opportunity to reflect on the positive aspects, acknowledge the support of family and friends, and appreciate the good things that have come our way.
2. Family and Friends: One of the core themes of Thanksgiving is gathering family and friends. It's a time to strengthen bonds, share stories, and create lasting memories. The importance of these connections is emphasized on this day.
3. Cultural and Historical Significance: Understanding the historical origins of Thanksgiving adds depth to the celebration. In the United States, it is often associated with the Pilgrims and Native Americans coming together to share a harvest feast. Acknowledging the cultural roots fosters a richer appreciation for the day.
4. Generosity and Helping Others: Thanksgiving is also an opportunity to consider those who may be less fortunate. Many people use this occasion to engage in acts of kindness, such as volunteering at local charities or donating to food banks, promoting community and compassion.
5. Traditions and Rituals: Whether watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, preparing a traditional meal, or sharing what each person is thankful for around the dinner table, the day is marked by various customs and rituals contributing to its unique charm.
6. Feast and Festivities: Thanksgiving is synonymous with a delicious feast featuring a variety of dishes, with roast turkey often taking center stage. Enjoying food and drink adds a festive element to the day's celebrations.
7. Modern Celebrations: In contemporary times, Thanksgiving has evolved to include diverse celebrations that may extend beyond the dinner table. For many, black Friday shopping, football games, and various forms of entertainment have become integral parts of the holiday.
8. Global Perspective: While Thanksgiving is primarily celebrated in North America, people worldwide increasingly recognize the importance of gratitude. Some cultures have their own variations of Thanksgiving celebrations, reinforcing the universal value of expressing thanks.

In summary, Thanksgiving is a time to come together with loved ones, express gratitude, and celebrate the positive aspects of life. It's a day with deep cultural and historical roots that continue to evolve, emphasizing the importance of reflection, connection, and generosity.

Thanksgiving is so much more than a day in November; it is not just another date we have been taught to remember.

Today, people tend to forget our forefathers came to be free and to worship in God's holy name.

Thanksgiving Day is the Day of the Lord.
Prayers of thanks and special thanksgiving ceremonies are common among almost all religions. St. Paul, in his epistle to Philippians, says: "Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:6,7

Why do some people not thank God?
• The first group puts God at the margin of their life. They don't believe in the existence of God (Atheist).
• The second group believes in God's existence, but God is not essential in their life. Some of these sometimes mock God when they pray, "Our Father who art in heaven, stay there; we don't have anything to do with you).
• The third group also believe in the existence of God, but they believe in the importance of God in their private life. When it comes to society, they feel they worship God, but in daily life, they act differently.
• The fourth group feels that God is their central life. These people bring God into all their daily life activities, and they praise God because He is the source of everything in their lives.

What do we have to do to bring our nation back to God?
First, we have to focus on the spiritual meaning of Thanksgiving, not on Thanksgiving Day only but on other national days like Christmas and others, not to focus on the commercial part, but go back to the real meaning of Christmas, which is the Birth of the Lord Jesus Christ. What is most important to us as Christians is to show ourselves as good models to the people, and the people attracting the excellent model of life, our families to be good Christians, stable and caring families, our youth to be a perfect example to the others not to follow the world but the word of God in their church and be witnesses of God by their deeds and behavior.

The practical witness is significant to show the importance of faith and spiritual life in society.

How do we have to give thanks for everything"?
Thanking is a good thing when we teach kids to have something they have to say, please, and when they get it, to say thank you. In our relationship, thank the one who helps or shows kindness to you. It is very important to develop this relationship.

When it comes to giving thanks to God, it shows three things:
1. We recognize the importance of God to us, and that's why I refer to God when something good happens to me.
2. We feel that God is the source of goodness. This is a gift from God. (Not because we worked, we have a good harvest, but because of the goodness of God; it is a gift from God).
3. We feel that we need help. As humans, we do our part, but we need divine help to overcome the difficulties of our lives and achieve success, and when we give thanks to God, we acknowledge His presence and importance and our need for Him.
How do we give thanks in the hard times of difficulties and suffering?

It is a particularly challenging situation for us. The apostle says to thank God for everything. Maybe what we consider bad is good for us. For example, being innocent, Joseph was falsely accused and put in prison, and to be in prison was good for him; otherwise, he would not be the second person in Egypt and save his nation in the time of famine. So sometimes, we don't know what is good for us. That's why we have to trust God and His wisdom. We thank God for every condition because we trust God and trust His wisdom. We believe that God has a plan for us, and this plan does not include our life on earth but also our eternal life. St. Paul, for example, three times pleaded to be cured of his sickness but revealed to him by God that it was for his good, and he accepted it with joy.

Being thankful is a protective aspect for us; all God's commandments are protective. Thanksgiving is protective from being down and desperate.

We give thanks, which we usually don't notice.

St. Ephrem the Syrian was a fourth-century Christian theologian and poet. Although he did not specifically write prayers for Thanksgiving Day, his writings are rich in spiritual wisdom and expressions of gratitude. You can draw inspiration from his hymns and modify them for a Thanksgiving context. Here's an adaptation that captures the spirit of Thanksgiving:

Prayer in the Spirit of St. Ephrem for Thanksgiving:
O Lord, Almighty and Merciful,
You who are the source of all blessings,
We come before you with hearts full of gratitude.

For the bountiful harvest of the earth,
For the sustenance that nourishes our bodies,
We give you thanks, O Provider of all.

For the warmth of companionship,
For the love of family and friends,
We offer our praise to You, O Bond of all hearts.

In moments of joy and laughter,
In times of trial and sorrow,
You are our constant companion, our Refuge, and our Strength.

For the gift of faith that sustains us,
For the grace that forgives and heals,
We lift our voices in Thanksgiving to You, O Redeemer.

May our lives be a living hymn of gratitude,
A song of praise echoing the eternal melody of Your love.

Grant us the grace to share our blessings with others,
To be instruments of Your peace and compassion,
As we journey through the seasons of life.

In the spirit of St. Ephrem, we offer these words of thanks,
Confident in Your boundless love and grace.


Feel free to personalize and adapt this prayer to better resonate with your own sentiments and the specific context of your Thanksgiving celebration.


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The Western Archdiocese of the Syriac Orthodox Church of Antioch, providing spiritual guidance and leadership to the Syriac Orthodox community, is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit, tax-exempt organization comprised of 18 churches and parishes in 17 western states. It was established in 1952 as the Archdiocese of the Syrian Orthodox Church encompassing the entire United States and Canada. In November 1995 by the Holy Synod, the Western Archdiocese was formed to exclusively serve the 17 states of the western half United States.

417 E. Fairmount Rd., Burbank, CA 91501
Tel: (818) 845-5089 Fax: (818) 953-7203
E-mail: bishopric@soc-wus.org


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