The Patriarch Moran
Mor Ignatius Zakka I |
Mor Ignatius Zakka I Iwas was born on 21 April, 1933 in
the city of Mosul, Iraq and named Sanharib after the
father of Mor Behnam. He received his elementary education
in the community schools (at our Lady's parish school and
then St. Thomas school). Afterwards in 1946 he continued
his study at Mor Ephrem theological School of Mosul and
there he was given the name Zakai (Zakka). Here he
completed his studies with success on the fields of
history, philosophy, theology and church-law. He advanced
in Syriac, Arabic and English languages, and received
degrees in each of these fields. Soon after the graduation
he joined the faculty of the seminary.
In 1948 He was ordained as a deacon at the rank of
In 1953 promoted to the rank of Subdeacon (Afodyaqno)
In 1954
when he graduated from St. Ephrem Theological
Seminary, in the same year he became a monk. In 1955
he promoted to the rank of Deacon (Evangeloyo)
and he was called to the Patriarchate by the then
Patriarch Moran
Mor Ignatius Aphrem I, one of the most erudite
scholars and efficient administrators the church has seen
in modern times; to become the second, and later the
first, Secretary to the Patriarch. After the demise of
Mor Aphrem, he continued as first Secretary to the new
Patriarch, Moran
Mor Ignatius Jacob III. On November 17, 1957, he was
ordained a priest
by the
and in 1959 was honored with the Holy Cross in
appreciation of his invaluable services.
The next year he took diploma in journalism course.
1960, he joined the General Theological College of the
Episcopal Church in New York in the United States, where
he studied oriental languages, philosophy and pastoral
theology and mastered in the English language. In 1962 and
1963 he was delegated by the late Patriarch to attend the
two Sessions of the Second Vatican Ecumenical Council as
an observer.
November 17, 1963, he was ordained Metropolitan for the
Mosul Archbishopric with title 'Mor Severus' by the
Patriarch Jacob III.
next year, on September 1, 1964, during the renovation of
the Madboho (altar) of the ancient St. Thomas Church at
Mosul, Mor Severus discovered the remains of Apostle Mor
Thomas in the sanctuary wall. It was the most memorable
event in the Episcopal life of the Holy Father.
1969, Mor Severus became the Metropolitan of Baghdad &
Basra Archdiocese, where he also served as the Head of
Syriac Studies and a member of the educational academy.
In the same year he was appointed to the membership of
“Academy of Iraq Culture” and to the presidency of
“Academy of Syrian Language and Culture”, besides being
the Chairman of its Syriac Section and an honorary member
of the pro-Oriente Organization in Vienna, Austria. He
has an Honorary Doctor’s Degree in Syriac Literature from
Sweden (Institute of Oriental Studies) and Diploma in
Theology, Philosophy and Canon Law. Until 1980 he was a
member of Central Committee of the World Church Union
representing the Syrian Orthodox Church and later he
became one of the presidents of the World Council of

Rabban Zakka
Iwas being consecrated Metropolitan by
Patriarch Moran Mor Ignatius Jacob III (1963) |

Mor Severus
Zakka with the Holy Relics
of St. Thomas which he rediscovered in 1964
July 11, 1980 Mor Severious was unanimously elected by the
Holy Synod to the Patriarch position which was vacant
after Patriarch Ignatius Jacob III's demise on
June 26, 1980.
September 14, 1980, Mor Severious was enthroned as the
12st Patriarch of Antioch & all the East, by name IGNATIUS
ZAKKA I, in a rite officiated by the late lamented
Catholicose of the East
Aboon Mor Baselios Paulose II,
along with
archbishops of the Universal Syrian Orthodox Church.

two decades of Mor Ignatius Zakka's Patriarchate have been
eventful and significant. For the Patriarchate and the
Pontifical seminary he has acquired extensive lands in the
suburbs of Damascus. The apostolic visits to India twice,
in 1982 & 2002, and to the various Archdioceses in the
Middle East, Americas and Europe have been most
successful. On July 26th 2002, His Holiness ordained Mor
Dionysius Thomas, the president of the Episcopal Synod of
Indian Church, as the Catholicose of India with the title
Mor Baselios Thomas I.
Though the Patriarchate
office is situated in Bab Touma, in the city of Damascus,
capital of Syria, His Holiness resides at the
Mor Ephrem monastery in Ma`arat Saidnaya, near
Damascus, Syria.
Holines rest in eternal life on Friday March 21, 2014, in
Official Address:
Syrian Orthodox Patriarchate of Antioch
Bab Touma, P.O. Box 22260
Damascus, Syria
Tel: (+963)-11-541-8100, 544-98989
Fax: (+963)-11-541-3100, 595-1880
Telex: OUSSI 411876 SY.
H.H. Patriarch
Ignatius Zakka I
Iwas celebrating the Holy Eucharist on 2 April 2000,
at the first church of Antioch, established by St.
Peter the Apostle in AD 37 |
Mor Ephrem Seminery at M`arat Saidnaya, Damascus,
Syria |

Another view of the
Monastery & Seminary complex
at M`arat Saidnaya |
H.H. the Patriarch celebrating Holy Qurbono at St.
Ephrem Seminary,
M`arat Saidnaya (July 2002) |
Photos of the third visit of
H.H. Mor Ignatius Zakka I Iwas to India |
Moran Mor Ignatius Zakka I Iwas |
H.H. the Patriarch
with H.B. Catholicos during the Consecration of Holy
Moroon at the Marthoma Cheriapally, Kothamangalam
(September 25, 2004) |
The faithful at the
Manarcad church patiently waiting to hear the
supreme head of the church, H.H. Patriarch Ignatius
Zakka I Iwas (September 26, 2004) |
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