Heads of the Oriental Orthodox Churches meet in Egypt
H.H. Pope Shenouda III, Head of the Coptic Orthodox
Church, H. H. Patriarch Zakka Iwas, Head of the Syriac Orthodox
Church held their annual meeting from November 22-24, 2006, at the
St. Mark Center, Nasr City, Cairo. H.H. Catholicos Aram I, Head of
the Armenian Orthodox Church canceled his scheduled trip to Egypt
for the meeting due to the latest events in Lebanon. However, the
two spiritual leaders remained in contact with H.H. Aram I
throughout the meeting, exchanging views on a variety of issues.
At the end of the meeting, the three Heads of Churches condemned
the ordination of an individual as bishop by schismatic and
non-canonical bishops who claim to be Orthodox and emphasized the
necessity of strengthening cooperation between primates and
communities of the three Oriental Orthodox churches.
October 12,
Rev. Fr. Poulos Iskandar
Behnam martyred in Iraq
Mosul / Iraq
On Monday
October 9, 2006, while searching for car parts
at local mechanic shops. The Iraqi Muslim
kidnappers abducted Rev. Fr. Paulos Iskandar
Behnam, one of our Syriac Orthodox priests in
the Archdiocese of Mosul.
Kidnappers demand
that the priest's church must publicly repudiate
Pope Benedict XVI's remarks about Islam in his
lecture in Germany last month. The St. Ephrem parish
of the Syriac Orthodox Church placed 30 large
signboards on walls around the city, distancing
itself from the pontiff's comments. But added
another stipulation: kidnappers telephoned the
priest's oldest son soon afterwards, demanding
$30,000 then immediately $40,000 ransom from the
family. After negotiations in several more calls,
the kidnappers gradually escalated their demands to
$350,000. While negotiations were taking place the
family managed to raise and pay the ransom, but then
the telephone calls stopped and then kidnappers
advised the church on Wednesday October 11, 2006, to
collect the body of the Reverend Father after being
tortured and slain for not embracing Islam. Rev. Fr.
Iskander's dismembered body was discovered on night
of October 11 at about 7 p.m. in the remote Tahrir
City district, two kilometers (1.2 miles) from the
center of Mosul. His arms and legs had been severed
and arranged around his head, which rested on his
chest. His remains were brought to a local hospital,
which then notified our church in Mosul.
News of the
priest's murder reached Damascus as His Holiness the
Patriarch Mor Ignatius Zakka Iwas was meeting with
Metropolitans of the Holy Synod of the Syriac
Orthodox Church of Antioch. The Archbishop of Mosul
Mor Gregorios Saliba Shamoun returned immediately
from Damascus to Mosul in time to conduct the
funeral service amid huge gathering of parishioners
who were silently shocked by this tragedy. His
holiness, our esteemed Patriarch Moran Mor Ignatius
Zakka I, Iwas who was emotionally touched by this
unspeakable crime along with members of the Holy
Synod, expressed his condolences to his eminence Mor
Gregorios Saliba Shamoun and his Archdiocese, and
prayed that God would grant comfort and endurance to
the Syriac Orthodox Church, his eminence, widow and
children of the slain priest, and all parishioners
of the Archdiocese. Then they prayed for the soul of
the martyr during their Holy Synod session.
The Holy Synod of
the Syrian Orthodox Church denounced the horrific
crime, whose victim was Rev. Fr. Poulos Iskandar
Behnam, one of our priests in Mosul on the hands of
fanatic terrorists, an act that is against all kinds
of spiritual, moral, or humanitarian principles. At
the conclusion of the session, the Holy Synod issued
this declaration:
“During the
sessions of the Holy Synod of the Syriac Orthodox
Church of Antioch held in Damascus under the
patronage of His Holiness Patriarch Moran Mor Zakka
I, Iwas, and the participation of the metropolitans
of the Syriac Orthodox Church worldwide, we were
advised by heads of the Christian denominations in
Iraq of the painful and most horrible news of the
martyrdom of Reverend Father Paulos Iskandar Behnam,
one of our priests in Mosul who was slain by
extremist terrorists, an act that goes against all
spiritual, ethical and humane values.
While our Holy
Synod expresses the utmost sorrow that this
unspeakable shameful crime took place, which touches
every noble citizens of beloved Iraq, the Synod
denounces this horrible deed and calls upon the
world (international) conscience represented by the
decision makers to put an end to the dreadful
sufferings of the Iraqi people. We invite upon all
those in position of responsibility (authority),
influence and leadership to continue their diligent
efforts in spreading peace and security, so that the
citizens (of Iraq) may resume their normal life in
their historic homeland within a framework of
national unity.
May God protect
Iraq and its people from all kinds of adversities
and afflictions, and may He fill their upcoming days
with peace, love, fraternity, and prosperity”
His Eminence
announced during the service that he had been
commissioned by His Holiness the Patriarch to bestow
on the martyred priest an honorary title of
"archpriest," a cleric just below the rank of
bishop. Syriac Orthodox clergymen and faithful
present at Fr. Iskander’s funeral service were at
least 500 members of the Mosul Christian community
attended, many of them weeping profusely. "Many more
wanted to come to the funeral," one of the attendees
said, "but they were afraid. We are in very bad
circumstances now."
Rev. Fr. Paulos
Iskander is survived by his wife, Azhar, sons Fadi
and Yohanna, a married daughter, Fadiyeh, and a
daughter, Mariam, 13. "It is a very sad and
difficult day for us," Archbishop Saliba Shamoun
said "Father Paulos was very active. And he loved
very much his mission in the church."
Iraq's highest Sunni religious authority, the Ulema
Council, called the priest's death "a cowardly
murder". In a press release, they said that the
Orthodox priest was well known for "his nationalist
views and opposition to the occupation".
"The Ulema Council," the statement said, "condemns
this cowardly killing and will not forget those who
are behind this crime, committed by people who want
to deprive the country of every religious and
national symbol that can hold Iraq together by
trying to start a religious war between sons of the
same nation".
The Archdiocese
of Western USA offers her heart felt condolences to
His Holiness our beloved patriarch Moran Mor Zakka
I, Iwas, and through him to the most respected
members of the Holy Synod, and holds prayer services
for the soul of our martyr very Rev. Fr. Poulos
Iskandar Behnam.
May God rest
his soul in eternal peace with those who fulfilled
His will , Amen
الموصل / العراق في
يوم الاثنين المصادف التاسع من تشرين الأول (اكتوبر) خطف ارهابيون
مجهولو الهوية الأب بولس اسكندر بهنام (مواليد 1952) أحد كهنتنا السريان الأرثوذكس
في أبرشية الموصل، وطلبوا منه استنكار أقوال البابا التي صرح فيها ضد الاسلام. ثم
طلبوا مبلغ من المال تصاعديا حتى وصلوا الى 350.000 دولارا امريكيا، وبينما كان
التفاوض جاريا أخبروا يوم الخميس 12 تشرين الأول الكنيسة بأن يأخذوا جثة الأب بعد
أن عذبوه ثم ذبحوه لعدم قبوله الاسلام .
أثر استشهاد الأب بولس اسكندر بهنام غادر الحبر الجليل مار غريغوريوس صليبا
شمعون دير
مار أفرام السرياني في معرة صيدنايا ـ سوريا، وترأس صلاة تجنيزه في الموصل بحضور
كبير من
المشيعين الذين خيّم الصمت والقلق عليهم نظراً للمأساة التي حلّت عليهم
احد الكهنة العاملين في حقل الخدمة . وقد قدّم قداسة الحبر الأعظم مار
زكا الأول عيواص الذي تأثر كثيراً بهذا الحدث الجليل وأعضاء المجمع المقدس التعازي
للحبر الجليل مار غريغوريوس صليبا شمعون ولأبرشيته
وتمنوا أن يمنح الله الكنيسة السريانية المقدسة ونيافته وأرملة الراحل العزيز الأب
بولس وأولاده وكل
الأبرشية الصبر والسلوان، وأقاموا الصلاة لراحة نفسه أثناء جلسات المجمع المقدس.
كما ودان المجمع الأنطاكي المقدس للسريان الأرثوذكس الجريمة النكراء
التي راح ضحيتها الأب بولس اسكندر بهنام أحد كهنتنا في الموصل على يد إرهابيين
متطرفين والتي تتنافى مع القيم الروحية والأخلاقية والانسانية . وفي نهاية
جلساته أصدر البيان التالي
انعقاد مجمعنا الأنطاكي السرياني الأرثوذكسي المقدس في دمشق برئاسة قداسة البطريرك
مار اغناطيوس زكا الأول عيواص واشتراك مطارنة الكنيسة السريانية الأرثوذكسية في
العالم، بلغنا بواسطة رؤساء الطوائف المسيحية في العراق الخبر المؤلم والمؤسف جداً،
استشهاد الأب الفاضل بولس اسكندر بهنام، أحد قساوسة الموصل على يد ارهابيين متطرفين
لا صلة لهم بالإنسانية والقيم الروحية والأخلاقية.
ففي الوقت الذي يعبّر مجمعنا المقدس عن أسفه البالغ لحدوث مثل هذه الجريمة
النكراء التي تمسّ كل مواطن شريف في العراق الحبيب، يستنكر هذا الفعل الشنيع ويناشد
الضمير العالمي ممثَّلاً بأصحاب القرار لوضع حد لمعاناة الشعب العراقي المريرة،
ويدعو جميع المسؤولين والوجهاء لمواصلة الجهود الحثيثة في سبيل نشر الأمن والسلام
ليتمكن المواطنون من متابعة حياتهم الطبيعية في وطنهم التاريخي في إطار الوحدة
حمى الله العراق وأبناءه من المكاره والمحن، وجعل الأيام المقبلة مفعمة بالسلام
والمحبة والإخاء والازدهار.
أبرشية الولايات الغربية من الولايات المتحدة
الأميركية تقدم التعازي الحارة لقداسة امام أحبار
الكنيسة السريانية الأرثوذكسية مار اغناطيوس زكا
الأول عيواص وبواسطته الى أعضاء المجمع المقدس
جزيلي الاحترام،
والى أبرشية الموصل وخاصة أرملة الأب الشهيد
وأولاده وذويه، وتقيم الصلاة لراحة الشهيد الأب
الفاضل بولس اسكندر.
October 10-13,
The Holy Synod of Antioch
The Holy Synod of the Syriac Orthodox Church of Antioch
ܣܘܢܗܕܘܣ ܩܕܝܫܬܐ
Holy Synod –
Regular Session
St. Ephrem the
Syriac Monastery, Ma’arret Saidnaya
At the previous meeting of the Holy Synod held on
December 13, 2005, his holiness, our esteemed Patriarch Moran Mor
Ignatius Zakka I, Iwas, along with their eminences, members of the
Holy Synod, decided to hold the upcoming session of the Holy Synod
on 9 – 13 October 2006.
Based upon, his holiness invited their eminences,
members of the Holy Synod and they all attended.
On Tuesday October 10, 2006 at exactly 09:00 am the
Holy Synod started the meeting with prayers.
His holiness welcomed their eminences Mor Timotheos
Mousa Alshamani, Archbishop of the Archdiocese of St. Matthew
monastery, and Mor Severius Hazail Soumi, Archbishop and
patriarchal vicar of Belgium and France, who were attending for
the first time.
Then his holiness asked that prayers be raised for
the soul of departed bishop Mor Dioscoros Luka Shaya retired
bishop of St. Matthew monastery who passed away to heaven last
Then His Holiness addressed the Synod with
spiritual words starting by the Lord’s saying, “Let not your heart
be troubled. You believe in God, believe also in Me . . .”These
days our hearts are troubled for lack of peace in the world and in
churches. The Church everywhere is threatened especially in Iraq,
but the Lord comforts us saying, “Let not your heart be troubled.
I am the way, the truth and life . . . ”if we lost our sense of
direction we know one thing, that is to go towards Jesus, the king
of peace who said, “peace I leave with you, My peace I give to
you”. Jesus suffered for our sake and the peace He gave us wasn’t
the world’s. And how can we achieve it without hard work ? If we
are with the Lord and the Lord is with us then we shall find peace
in our souls. And that is the mere truth.
We are Syrian Orthodox Christians and we do not
follow any western denomination, and we will not surrender any
principle or doctrine that we got. No peace except with the Lord
Jesus. On this base we are in a grace and repentance situation. As
clergy we are asked not to harden our hearts in order our
repentance be accepted and that is by keeping and implementing
God’s commandments... For our hope is strengthened only by Jesus
to whom we offer glory and thanks for ever and ever.
After his holiness finished his words, their
eminences reviewed the minutes of the meeting and started the
first session of this regular meeting, and they studied:
1 – Syrian Archdioceses
A ) Patriarchal Vicariate of
His Holiness said: After the Archdiocese of the
patriarchal vicariate of Germany became vacant because of the
patriarchal vicar Mor Dionysius Isa Gurbuz transfer to Switzerland
and Austria on 1/2/2006, it was appropriate to fill the vacancy
and study the situation of the Archdiocese. His Holiness declared
that he sent an Episcopal committee to Germany consisting of : Mor
Eustatheos Mathew Rohoum Archbishop of Aljazeera and Euphrates and
Mor Justinos Poulos Safar patriarchal vicar of Zahle and Bekaa and
Mor Severius Hazail Soumi patriarchal vicar of Belgium and France.
The Episcopal committee visited Germany and presented a written
report to His Holiness that included detailed explanation about
the Archdiocese and was read by his eminence Archbishop Poulos
His Holiness and members of the Holy Synod thanked
the Episcopal committee for their hard work in clarifying the
situation. His holiness then asked the members to give their
opinions and views on said report. According to the constitution
of the holy church and Synod, decision was taken by majority vote
to divide the Archdiocese of Germany into three Archdioceses,
patriarchal vicariates according to geographic and demographic
1 – Northern Germany, centered in Berlin.
2 – Mid – Germany, centered in Gutersloh.
3 – Southern Germany, centered in Kirchhausen.
His Holiness will appoint the patriarchal
vicariates for these Archdioceses according to church
constitution. His Holiness will also work with the appointed
Archbishops and people in responsibility to arrange location
centers from which to administer these Archdioceses.
B ) Holland
The Holy Synod discussed the situation in Holland
after the departure of his eminence Mor Julius Çicek. It is
absolutely necessary to have an Archbishop, patriarchal vicar, to
take care of its spiritual and administrative affaires since it
was without a patriarchal vicar so far.
His Holiness had previously sent an Episcopal
committee to Holland and a written report was submitted to him.
His holiness decided after studying the report and many referrals
to choose the method of Referendum and voting in the Archdiocese
on all stages supervised by an Episcopal committee who would
travel to Holland and consult with clergy and laity and get full
information and elect one of the two monks nominated for this
position by all parishioners.
2 – Old Archdioceses - Adıyaman
Members of Holy Synod then moved to study the
situation of the Old Archdioceses in Adıyaman, Harput, Elaziz,
Gerger, Malatya, Edessa and others.
His eminence
Mor Philloxinos
Yusuf Çetin, patriarchal vicar of Istanbul,
reported that many of those who left the church and changed their
religion are coming back to their Syriac Orthodox faith and are
asking fervently the church in Istanbul and Izmir to care for
them. They are the original inhabitants of this area who they left
behind in addition to the people still living there. His eminence
had visited them many times and had sent a priest on several
occasions to extend spiritual services for them.
Upon a patriarchal order, his eminence had sent
Raban Malki Ürek in 2001 to Adıyaman to stay and live among our
people in the area and serve them directly, and to reside in Sts.
Peter & Paul church in Adıyaman. The people in the region of
Adıyaman who live in Istanbul and Europe are carrying out their
duties in providing financial and moral support for the Raban and
the church. They are constantly asking that this region become an
Archdiocese, patriarchal vicariate, and to have an ordained bishop
to make it prosper.
His eminence promised his cooperation and full
support to the Archdiocese and its bishop from Istanbul or abroad.
His holiness then asked the members of the Holy
Synod to give their input in that matter. There was a unanimous
consent on the necessity of a new Archdiocese especially to
confirm the faithful who would like to come back to their original
Syrian Orthodox faith. A unanimous vote was taken to establish a
new Archdiocese called the Archdiocese of Adıyaman and includes
the cities of Harput, Elaziz, Gerger, Malatya, Edessa and others.
His holiness nominated Father Raban Malki Ürek to
become Archbishop, patriarchal vicar, for this new-old
Archdiocese. It was agreed upon unanimously.
3 – Great Britain
His holiness explained the situation of the church
in Britain and the parish of London based upon his personal
knowledge and his multiple visits. A report prepared by the parish
priest Raban Touma Dakkama was also read. His holiness stressed
upon the importance of the United Kingdom in the world and also
the importance of the Anglican church with which we have historic
relations, and that it is necessary to have an Episcopal
representative since our people are increasing in numbers and
approaching 250 known families who mostly immigrated from Iraq.
His holiness expressed his opinion to have the parish become an
Archdiocese, patriarchal vicariate, and asked members of the Synod
to give their views in the matter. It was a unanimous consent to
establish the new Archdiocese. He then nominated Raban Touma
Dakkama to become the bishop, patriarchal vicar for said
Archdiocese and was agreed upon unanimously.
4 – Other Matters
His holiness nominated Raban Mathias Nayis the head
of St. Ephraim Theological Clergy School in Ma’arrat Saidnaya to
become a bishop, second patriarchal assistant, to reside in St.
Ephraim monastery – M’arrat Saydnaya, and administer St. Ephraim
Theological College in Ma’arrat Saidnaya and supervise the
endowments and patriarchal charitable institutions in Atchaneh –
Lebanon and be a member of the Holy Synod. The suggestion was
agreed upon unanimously.
5 – Patriarchal institutions in
Atchaneh – Lebanon
After accepting the resignation of his eminence
Metropolitan Mor Philloxinos Matta Shamoun from his duties in
administrating the patriarchal institutions in Atchaneh due to
reaching retirement age, His Holiness handed over the management
of said institutions to Fr. Raban Daniel Kourieh who attends to
the needs of the orphanage and old age home, to be suitable and to
the benefits of the church.
- St. Ephraim Theological
His holiness and their eminences, members of the
Holy Synod studied the suggestion submitted by Fr. Raban Mathias
Nayis the principal of St. Ephraim Theological College in Ma’arrat
Saidnaya, which included a study and explanation of College
affaires with regards to rules of admission, most importantly :
1. Student should have completed high school.
2. Student should be between 17 – 23 years of age.
3. There should be coordination between their
eminences Metropolitans of the Archdioceses and the administration
of College under the auspices of his holiness our esteemed
Patriarch. His holiness and members of the Holy Synod praised the
report and urged all faithful to encourage their children to join
St. Ephraim Theological College.
There was a lengthy discussion about monasticism
and the role of monks in servicing monasteries and churches in
different Archdioceses. According to the constitution of the
church all monks/nuns affaires are directly linked to his
- Affaires of the Church of
His holiness invited his eminence Mor Athanasius
Georgis the second patriarchal vicar of India who resides at the
patriarchate, to attend the Holy Synod. He read a detailed report
about the situation of the church of India since the ordination of
his beatitude Catholicos Mor Baselius Touma II in 2002 up till
In the report he stressed that the dissented
enemies of the church are practicing all kinds of pressure and
creating many problems to our church there by constantly
contacting officials of government and in courts, thus disturbing
the peace of our congregation.
We thank God for our church had won the case in
Kerala state court. It is now appealed to the high court in New
Delhi. We hope the church will also be victorious. The final
verdict of the high court will be delivered in the upcoming month
of November.
It is worth mentioning that a noticeable
renaissance is taking place among their eminences, clergy,
Institutions, organizations and laity.
The Syrian Name in Iraq
His eminence Metropolitan Severius Hawa stated that
Iraq constitution did not include the Syrian name in the list of
congregations. He suggested to his holiness to again write to the
officials in charge in Iraq especially the President and the Prime
Minister and the Head of the people’s Council and others to
insist and stress upon inclusion of the Syrian name in the
constitution of Iraq. His eminence will coordinate with his
holiness in following up the matter.
Jerusalem & The Holy Land
His eminence Mor Severius Malki Murad submitted a
report about the affaires of the Archdiocese of Jerusalem, Jordan
and the Holy Land. He advised that the Jordanian Hashemite Kingdom
has donated to our church a land of Four Thousands (4000) Square
Meters in the area of Maghtas on the East bank of the Jordan River
same as all other denominations in order to build a church upon.
This is not only important to the Syrian parishioners in the Holy
Land but also worldwide. He wished that donations will start
coming to execute this project by the blessings of his holiness
our esteemed Patriarch and the efforts of all eminences and the
Syrian world. He also presented other projects and suggestions for
which all members expressed their best wishes.
The Syrian Television (Suryoyo
His eminence Archbishop Benjamin Atas displayed a
presentation and acknowledgment of establishing a Syrian
Television in Sweden shared by the church, institutions, and some
laity. It was named Suryoyo Sat. Its goal is to serve the
Syrian World: Church, People, Language and Education. His holiness
and their eminences praised the project and thanked every
supporter and worker.
- Rituals and Church ranks
Members of the Holy Synod studied other matters
like the clergy retirement, rituals, church ranks, and the
necessity to register churches and endowments in the name of the
Syrian Orthodox Church all over the world and to adjust the real
estate registry wherever needed, and other matters.
- Final Session
His holiness ended the meeting by the following
spiritual words :
We thank the Fathers, members of the Holy Synod who
attended and participated in the activities of the Holy Synod.
Each one expressed his views freely, responsibly, and in good
conscience. Each suggested what was suitable for the progress and
prosperity of the church.
In spite of the difficult circumstances and hard
times in our area in Palestine, Lebanon, and Iraq, we live on the
hope of peace in the world and mostly in our area.
We, as Christians, do not fear death because the
parishioners of the Syrian Orthodox Church are the children of the
martyrs. Our fathers gave us the ideal example for martyrdom.
Blessed is he who leaves this world as a martyr of the faith.
His holiness continued saying : We remember Rev.
Fr. Poulos Iskandar Behnam who departed this world as a martyr in
the city of Mosul. And we pray that his soul will be in heaven
with the righteous clergy and martyrs. We offer our condolences to
our church in general and to the Archdiocese of Mosul in
particular and to his blessed family members.
His holiness concluded by praying for the church
and its faithful, granting his apostolic blessings to the
metropolitans, clergy, laity, and the whole world.
The Holy Synod had issued a statement soon after
the martyrdom of Reverend Father Poulos Iskandar Behnam. It
Declaration issued by the Holy
Synod of the Syrian Orthodox Church.
Damascus – Syria
“During the sessions of the Holy Synod of the
Syriac Orthodox Church of Antioch held in Damascus under the
patronage of His Holiness Patriarch Moran Mor Zakka I, Iwas, and
the participation of the metropolitans of the Syriac Orthodox
Church worldwide, we were advised by heads of the Christian
denominations in Iraq of the painful and most horrible news of the
martyrdom of Reverend Father Poulos Iskandar Behnam, one of our
priests in Mosul who was slain by extremist terrorists, an act
that goes against all spiritual, ethical and humane values.
While our Holy Synod expresses the utmost sorrow
that this unspeakable shameful crime took place, which touches
every noble citizens of beloved Iraq, the Synod denounces this
horrible deed and calls upon the world (international) conscience
represented by the decision makers to put an end to the dreadful
sufferings of the Iraqi people. We invite upon all those in
position of responsibility (authority), influence and leadership
to continue their diligent efforts in spreading peace and
security, so that the citizens (of Iraq) may resume their normal
life in their historic homeland within a framework of national
May God protect Iraq and its people from all kinds
of adversities and afflictions, and may He fill their upcoming
days with peace, love, fraternity, and prosperity”.
October 06,
Decoration of Sarkis Aghajan
Head of Syriac Orthodox Church Decorates Sarkis Aghajan
On Friday October 6,
His Holiness Mor
Ignatius Zakka I Iwas , patriarch of the Universal Syriac
Orthodox Church, decorated Mr Sarkis Aghajan, the Minister for
Finance and the Economy in the Kurdish Regional Government (KRG)
as a Commander in the rank of St. Ignatius Theophroros.
Saint Ignatius of Antioch
(martyred AD 108) was the third Patriarch of Antioch. Ignatius is
generally considered to be one of the Apostolic Fathers (the
earliest authoritative group of the Church Fathers) and a saint by
the Orthodox and Eastern
Catholic churches, who celebrate his feast day on December 20,
and the Roman Catholics, who celebrate his feast day on October
Mar Gregorios Saliba Shamoon,
the Patriarch of Mosul and Mar Severus Ishac Saka, the Deputy
Patriarch for high studies on syriacs, decorated Mr Aghajan at the
award ceremony.
In a letter to Mr Aghajan, His
holiness the supreme head of the Universal Syriac Orthodox Church
wrote: “As with St Paul, we thank God for giving you faith and
charging you with the great task of serving the Church and the
sons of our noble and civilized Syrian people. You have dedicated
yourself to achieving your purpose.”
The Patriarch also wrote,
“Everyone, from the East to the West, praises your limitless
kindness and generosity in serving Christianity, which is the
source of spiritual joy and delight. You generously receive those
who need help and provide them with every possible assistance. As
Saint Paul said: ‘the one who gives with joy is blessed by God’.
You are an example of humanitarian and biblical qualities and we
call upon others to follow your path.”
September 23,
His E. Mor Dioscoros Luke
Shaya entered into eternal rest
On Saturday September 23, 2006,
deep sorrow, His Eminence Mor Clemis Eugene
Kaplan informed by His Eminence Archbishop Mor
Athanasius Elia Bahi the Patriarchal Assistant,
the painful news of the unexpected passing away
of His Eminence Archbishop
Mor Dioscoros Luke Shaya, the retired Archbishop of the
Syriac Orthodox Archdiocese of Mor Matta in
Iraq, passed away at the Archdiocese of Aleppo,
Syria on Friday September 22, 2006.
His Holiness the Patriarch informed his Eminence
Metropolitan of Aleppo that the late Archbishop's
body to be carried to his homeland Bartella, Iraq,
to entomb at Mor Matta Monastery where he served as
His Eminence was born in Bartella, Iraq in
February 10, 1929, On December 01, 1963 he was elected and consecrated by H. H. Mor Ignatius
Jacob III, Archbishop of Jerusalem, Holy land.
Archdiocese of the Western USA with sorrow we offer
heartfelt condolences to our beloved Syriac Orthodox
Church in general and to
H. H. Mor
Ignatius Zakka Iwas and to the Holy Synod of the
Syriac Orthodox Church
of Antioch, and to the family of the late
Archbishop. the Central Europe Archdiocese in
May God rest
his soul in eternal peace with those who fulfilled
His will , Amen
نعى نيافة المطران
مار غريغوريوس
يوحنا ابراهيم مطران حلب
وتوابعها قداسة البطريرك مار اغناطيوس زكا الأول عيواص الرئيس الأعلى للكنيسة
السريانية الأرثوذكسية وبطريرك أنطاكية وسائر المشرق نيافة الحبر الجليل مار
ديوسقورس لوقا شعيا الذي
انتقل الى جوار ربه
في مدينة حلب على أثر نوبة قلبية
حادة. وقد أمر قداسته أن ينقل جثمان الراحل الكبير بوقار واحترام إلى مسقط رأسه في
برطلة. فبعد الإجراءات الكنسية والصلوات المعتادة
والتي اجريت من قبل نيافة
المطران مار غريغوريسو
ابراهيم والاكليروس
نقل الجثمان إلى العراق حيث سيوارى الثرى في دير مار متى الأبرشية التي خدمها قبل
أن يقدم
استقالته في تموز 2006
أبرشية الولايات الغربية من الولايات المتحدة
الأميركية تقدم التعازي الحارة لقداسة امام أحبار
الكنيسة السريانية الأرثوذكسية مار اغناطيوس زكا
الأول عيواص وبواسطته الى أعضاء المجمع المقدس
جزيلي الاحترام.
سنكتب نبذة
عن حياة الفقيد حال توفرها لدينا . رحمه الله وأسكنه فسيح جناته
September 20,
Declaration of His Holiness
on Vatican
بيان لقداسة البطريرك مار اغناطيوس زكا الأول عيواص للسريان الأرثوذكس
حول محاضرة البابا
جاء في بيان صادر عن
قداسة بطريرك انطاكية وسائر المشرق للسريان الأرثوذكس:
نعرب عن أسفنا الشديد
للضجة التي اثارتها التأويلات المختلفة لما ورد في محاضرة قداسة
البابا بنديكتس السادس عشر في المانيا حول الاسلام، فنحن كمسيحيين
نكرم الاسلام وندعو الى الحوار مع الآخرين ونفتش عن كل نقاط
الالتقاء لا الاختلاف وقد قطعنا شوطا جيدا على هذا الطريق.
ولا نرى ان زماننا
الحاضر يشهد صراعا بين المسيحية والاسلام. والصراعات الدائرة حاليا
ليست بين الاسلام والمسيحية بل بين اعداء الشعوب ومثيري الحروب،
وبين الشعوب التي تريد حريتها واستقلالها وكرامتها وحقها في تسخير
مواردها الطبيعية لخيرها.
ولا نجد في مثيري
الحروب المنتشرين في كل انحاء العالم من يمثل المسيحية، وأي تشويه
لهذا الواقع لا يخدم الا اعداء المسيحية والاسلام.
ان المسيحية ليست في
خصومة وصراع مع الاسلام وهذا ما يجب ان يكون واضحا في جميع انحاء
وليس عجيبا ان تستغل
القوى المعادية لجوهر الخير في الاديان كل مناسبة لصرف النظر عن
جرائمها بحق الشعوب كافة ولاصطناع خلافات بين المجتمعات البشرية.
ان جرائم مثيري الحروب واعداء السلام لا تبررها الديانة المسيحية
كما لا يبرر الاسلام الجرائم التي ترتكب ضد الناس المسالمين.
نتمنى على الفاتيكان ان يوضح مواقفه من الاديان الأخرى بروح
المسيحية وتسامحها، وان يبرىء المسيحية من اعمال مثيري الحروب في
فلسطين والعراق ولبنان وافغانستان. وعلى مقترفي الجرائم ضد الشعوب
ان يتحملوا مسؤولية اعمالهم فالمسيحية براء منهم ومن اعمالهم
المعادية لجميع الشعوب.
September 14,
His Holiness
celebrates his 26th enthronement
Discovery of the Holy Cross and celebration of 26th
enthronement of His Holiness the Patriarch Moran Mor
Ignatius Zakka I Iwas
On Thursday September 14th, 2006 the Feast of the Discovery of
Holy Cross and the 26th Anniversary of the Patriarchal
Enthronement of His Holiness the Patriarch
Moran Mor Ignatius Zakka I Iwas, His Holiness offered the
Holy Divine Liturgy at 10 a.m. at the St. Peter and St. Paul
Patriarchal Cathedral in St. Ephrem the Syrian Monastery Complex
in Ma'arrat Saidnaya, Damascus, Syria.
His Holiness was assisted by their Eminence Mor Gregorios
Shemoun Saliba of Mosul, Iraq, and Mor Theophilos George Saliba
of Mount Lebanon. To congratulet his holiness the Patriarch and
participate in this blessed occasion many Archbishops were
attend the celebration: Their Emineces Mor Severus Malke Mourad
of Jordan & Jerusalem, Mor Salvanos Boutros Al-Nemeh of Homs &
Hama in Syria, Mor Athanasius Gevargis the Patriarchal Vicar for
Indian Affairs, Mor Athanasius Elia Bahi the Patriarchal
Assistant, Mor Malatius Malke of Australia & New Zealand, Mor
Yustinos Paulos Safar of Zahle, Lebanon, and Mor Timotheos Mousa
Al Shamani of Mor Matta Monastery, Mosul, Iraq, and many Monks,
Priests and Faithful from Syria and abroad.
July 14,
His Holiness
Consecrates new Metropolitan
Metropolitan for our Syriac Orthodox Church of
Antioch in India
His Holiness Patriarch Moran Mor Ignatius Zakka I Iwas
consecrated Very Rev. Raban Markose as the assistant
metropolitan for the Evangelistic Association of the East
at the Monastery of St. Aphrem the Syrian, in Ma`rrat Saidnaya,
Damascus, Syria on 14 July 2006.
Rabban Markose assumed the name "Mor Chrysostomos".
The Catholicos His Beatitude Aboon Mor Baselious Thomas I, Mor
Athanasius Elia Bahi (Patriarchal Assistant), Mor Athanasios
Geevargis (Patriarchal Vicar For Indian Affairs), Mor Gregorios
Yuhannan Ibrahim (Aleppo), Mor Gregorios Joseph (Kochi),
Theodosius Mathews (Kollam), Mor Aphrem
Mathews (Angamali
Highrange Area), Mor Osthathios Petrose (New Delhi), Mor Eusebius
Kuriakose (Thrissur) and Mor Coorilos
Geevarghese (Niranam)
assisted His Holiness in the consecration ceremonies.
For photos, please visit URL:
July 12,
Fr. Jacob Markose
ordained Monk to be consecrated as Metropolitan
Monk nominated to be Metropolitan for our Syriac Orthodox Church of
Antioch in India
On Wednesday, July 12th,2006, Their Graces Mor Theodosios
Mathews, Mor Aphrem Mathews and Mor Osthatheos Pathros
concelebrated the Holy Qurbono at the St. Aphrem Chapel of the
St. Aphrem the Syrian Monastery in Ma'arrat Saidnaya, Damascus,
Syria. During the Holy Divine Liturgy, as authorized by His
Holiness Moran Mor Ignatius Zakka I Iwas, The Patriarch of
Antioch and All the East, the Supreme Head of the Universal
Syriac Orthodox Church, The Catholicos of India His Beatitude
Aboon Mor Baselios Thomas I ordained Rev. Fr. Jacob Markose of
the Evangelistic Association of the East as a Monk with the name
Their Graces Metropolitans Mor Dionysius Behnam Jajawi, Mor
Athanasios Geevargis, Mor Theodosios Mathews, Mor Aphrem
Mathews, Mor Osthatheos Pathros Mor Eusebios Kuriakose and Mor
Coorilos Geevarghese assisted His Beatitude in the Ordination
May the ordination of Very Rev. Raban Markose prove a blessing
to our Holy Syrian Orthodox Church in India.
God willing, Very Rev. Raban Markose will be consecrated as a
Metropolitan by His Holiness our Patriarch on Friday, July 14,
2006. His Beatitude Mor Baselios Thomas I and Their Graces the
Metropolitans from India and the Middle East countries will be
attending the Episcopal Consecration Service.
Metropolitan Athanasios Geevargis
Patriarchal Vicar for Indian Affairs,
Syrian Orthodox Patriarchate,
Damascus, Syria.
For the photos please visit the URL:
July 3,
His Beatitude the Catholicose consecrates
Five Metropolitans
Metropolitans for our Syriac Orthodox Church of
Antioch in India
Malankara Archdiocese of Universal Syriac
Orthodox Church of Antioch is today blessed with five more
Metropolitans as the bishop-designates were consecrated as new
H. G. Mathews Mor
Theodosius (Very Rev Micah Koodal Ramban ),
H. G Mathews Mor Aphrem (Very Rev
Nahum Chittathu Ramban ),
H. G Pathrose Mor Osthatheos (Very Rev
Haggai Pulikottil Ramban),
H. G Kuriakose Mor Eusebius (Very Rev
Malachi Chalakkatukudi Ramban)
H. G Geevarghese Mor Coorilos (Very
Rev Samuel Nalunnakal Ramban )
are the five consecrated Metropolitans at
St. Thomas Jacobite Syrian Church, North Parur in this blessed
St. Thomas Day of 2006. (July 3rd, very popularly known as
Karkidakam Moonnu is the Establishment Perunnal of St
Thomas Jacobite Syrian Church, N. Parur)
The holy consecration ceremony was led by Catholicose His
Beatitude Mor Basalious Thomas I and was assisted by Mor Julius
Kuriakose , Mor Timotheos Thomas, Mor Gregorios Joseph, Mor
Ivanis Mathews, Mor Miltheos Yuhanon, Mor Polycarpus Geevarghese,
Mor Dionysius Geevarghese, Mor Theophilos Kuriakose and Mor
Severius Kuriakose and in the presence of hundreds of clergies,
tens of thousands of faithful arrived from various parts of
Beatitude the
Catholicos and other Metropolitans of the church
first led the five Bishop-designates into the Holy
Altar during the morning prayers. After being
initiated into the new ecclesiastic status by the
Catholicos, the five Rabans knelt down in meditation
facing the Holy Altar. In middle of the Holy Divine
Liturgy, which was celebrated by His Beatitude, the
consecration ceremony began.

During the first
phase of the ceremony, all the five Rabans sealed
their divine contract affixing their signatures
before the Chief celebrant the Catholicos. In the
second phase they were declared as new Metropolitans
of the church. Then they were given the shepherd
staff, seated in thrones attired in Metropolitan's
vestments and were raised three times as per custom
by saying 'Oxios'.
For photos, please visit
Thomas Daniel (Reji)
February 14,
WCC 9th Assembly at Porto
Alegre, Brazil
Assembly at Porto Alegre, Brazil
The plenary session of the 9th Assembly of the
World Council of Churches, the first to be held
in Latin America, was opened in Porto Alegre,
Brazil, on February 14th by the WCC Moderator
Catholicos Aram I. A record number of young
people attended the event. Delegates were
greeted by Bishop Adriel de Souza Maia on behalf
of Brazilian churches, Bishop Julio Holguin, on
behalf of Latin American churches, the
vice-mayor of Porto Alegre, Eliseu Santos, and
by the Honorable Germano Rigotto, governor of
Rio Grande Sul. Church leaders unable to be
present at the opening event were read at the
Assembly; this included the ecumenical
patriarch, Bartholomew I and the archbishop of
Canterbury, Rowan Williams. The message of Pope
Benedict XVI was read by Cardinal Walter Kaspar.
Thirty-one new member churches were received
into the WCC.
The Syrian Orthodox Church is represented by a
delegation that includes
H.E. Mor George Saliba Theophilus (Lebanon)
H.E. Mor Themotheose Thomas (Kottayam)
H.E. Mor Gregoriose Joseph (Kochi)
H.E. Mor Osthathios Matta Rohom (Syria)
H.E. Mor Severius Malki Murad (Jerusalem)
H.E. Mor Cyril Aphrem Karim (Eastern USA)
H.E. Mor Yousef Abdulahda Matti (Argentina)
Mr. Theodore B.T. Issa (Australia)
Ms. Ayda Kaplan (Belgium)
Ms. Faten Hanna Al-Kass (Syria)
Ms. Alya Basheer (USA)
His Holiness Ignatius Zakka 1 Iwas, the
Patriarch of Antioch and All the East, also one
of the Presidents of the Council, is not
attending the Assembly for health reason.
Assembly looks to future
of spirituality, justice and witness
Photos at
a substantial change in priorities and
culture, the World Council of Churches (WCC)
9th Assembly completed its meeting with
prayer in Porto Alegre Thursday, and agreed
to give priority to spirituality, ecumenical
formation, global justice and prophetic
Assembly set a new agenda for the WCC in the
coming period in its church and ecumenical
relationships, agreed on several major
programmatic initiatives for the fellowship,
and elected a new top governing body to lead
the organization into its new mandate.
Assembly has affirmed the vitality of the
ecumenical movement and the commitment of
the churches to the ecumenical vision and
goal of unity, and to strive for a more just
and peaceful world,” said WCC general
secretary Rev. Dr Samuel Kobia following the
closure of the event.
The 9th
Assembly was the first to be held in Latin
America since the Council's creation in
1948, and the host churches from Brazil and
the broader region were actively involved in
the event. The rich daily prayer life of the
gathering was combined with Sunday worship
in local Protestant, Catholic and Orthodox
Assembly met in Porto Alegre, Brazil, 14-23
February 2006, and gathered over 4,000
participants, including 691 delegates from
the 348 member churches of the WCC, and
representatives and observers from other
churches, organizations and movements.
the first week of the Assembly, delegates
adopted a substantially revised Constitution
and Rules which move the WCC to
decision-making based on consensus and which
amend membership criteria. The reforms stem
from concerns articulated by Orthodox member
churches, and aim to strengthen
participation of churches from diverse
cultures and traditions.
Church unity
Addressing the core issues of Christian
unity, the Assembly agreed on a new text,
“Called to be the One Church,” and urged
that WCC and its member churches give
priority to the questions of unity,
catholicity, baptism and prayer.
delegates called for renewed efforts to
manifest visible church unity which would
allow the ecumenical movement to offer to
the world the "coherent, grace-filled
spiritual message of Christianity".
Assembly pointed to ways in which
collaboration with the Roman Catholic
Church, which is not a member of the WCC,
and with Pentecostal churches could be
reinforced in the coming period. Delegates
agreed to develop ways of working with other
church groupings that "improve cooperation
and coherence of message" of all the
ecumenical instruments.
an appeal from the general secretary, the
Assembly supported a proposal to "explore
the feasibility of a structure for WCC
assemblies" that could be linked to global
meetings of other church bodies in the
coming years.
For the
first time, young adults appointed by the
churches participated in all Assembly
committee work, and delegates urged steps to
strengthen active involvement of youth
(under 30 years) in the life and work of the
Council. The Assembly endorsed proposals to
create a special body to represent young
adults in the decision-making and leadership
of the Council.
Recognizing a rapidly-evolving church and
social context, and faced with a decline in
income, the delegates agreed to focus future
WCC work on a limited number of core issues
and urged the WCC to “claim a clearer and
stronger public profile in its witness to
the world”.
“The WCC
should do less, do it well, in an
integrated, collaborative and interactive
approach,” said the Rev. Dr Walter Altmann
(Evangelical Lutheran Church of Brazil),
moderator of the program guidelines
committee which formulated the proposals.
Calling for a strengthened theological basis
for all areas of activity, the delegates
also pointed to the need for comprehensive
planning and communication strategies “to
build engagement and ownership by the
program priorities centre on four areas of
engagement: unity, spirituality and mission;
ecumenical formation focusing on youth in
particular; global justice; and bringing a
credible voice and prophetic witness to the
Assembly affirmed that WCC should expand its
work on alternatives to economic
globalization, deepening the theological and
analytical grounding of this work, and
sharing “practical, positive approaches from
the churches”.
seeking peace
mid-term of WCC’s Decade to Overcome
Violence (DOV) was celebrated at the
Assembly – which received messages from
three Nobel Peace Prize-winners – and the
delegates recommended that the WCC move
towards an international Ecumenical Peace
Convocation. A candlelight vigil for peace
was held in central Porto Alegre to launch
the Latin American annual focus for the DOV.
Assembly took action on several issues of
international concern. Delegates approved
statements on the protection of vulnerable
populations; terrorism, counter-terrorism
and human rights; nuclear disarmament; the
Latin American region; water for life; and
the reform of the UN. Responding to
widespread inter-communal and
inter-religious violence related to
caricatures of the Prophet Mohammed, the
Assembly voiced its concern for mutual
respect, responsibility and dialogue with
people of other faiths. Delegates also
expressed grave concern about the situation
in Northern Uganda.
governing bodies
Assembly elected a 150-person central
committee, which serves as the main
decision-making body of the Council between
assemblies. The new committee counts 63
women and 22 young adults. The Assembly also
appointed eight presidents to represent the
Council in their respective regions.
central committee elected Rev. Dr Walter
Altmann (Evangelical Lutheran Church of
Brazil) as moderator, and as vice-moderators
Metropolitan Gennadios of Sassima
(Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople)
and Rev. Dr Margaretha M. Hendriks-Ririmasse,
Protestant Church in the Moluccas
The new WCC executive
committee is made up of the following
central committee members:
Dr Agnes Abuom, Anglican
Church of Kenya
Bishop Ivan Manuel Abrahams,
Methodist Church of Southern Africa (South
Pastor Antonio Pedro Malungo,
Evangelical Reformed Church of Angola
Ms Iyabo Oyekola, Church of
the Lord Aladura Worldwide (Nigeria)
Rev. Dr Margaretha M.
Hendriks-Ririmasse, Protestant Church in the
Moluccas (Indonesia)
Ms Hae-Sun Jung, Korean
Methodist Church
Bishop Samuel R. Azariah,
Church of Pakistan
Ms Nerissa
Celestine, Church in the Province of the
West Indies (Grenada)
Bischof Dr Rolf Koppe,
Evangelical Church in Germany
Ms Inger Aasa-Marklund,
Church of Sweden
Mr Graham G. McGeoch, Church
of Scotland
Rev. Dr
Walter Altmann, Evangelical Church of
Lutheran Confession in Brazil
Ms Carmen Rae Lansdowne,
United Church of Canada
Rev. Dr Tyrone Pitts,
Progressive National Baptist Convention,
Inc. (USA)
Rev. Dr Larry Pickens, United
Methodist Church (USA)
Sanele Faasua Lavatai, Methodist Church of
Metropolitan Prof. Dr
Gennadios of Sassima, Ecumenical
Patriarchate of Constantinople
Bishop Dr Hilarion of Wien
and Austria (Alfeyev), Russian Orthodox
Archbishop Nifon of
Targoviste, Romanian Orthodox Church
Bishop Dr Vasilios of
Trimithus (Karayiannis), Church of Cyprus
Ms Outi Vasko, Orthodox
Church of Finland
Metropolitan Bishoy, Coptic
Orthodox Church (Egypt)
Bishop Vicken Aykazian,
Armenian Apostolic Church (Holy See of
Etchmiadzin) (USA)
The moderators of the program
and finance committees of the central
committee, who are also members of the
executive committee, will be elected at the
first full meeting of the central committee
in September 2006.
February 12,
H.H. consecrated very Rev.
Raban Hazail Soumi
Metropolitan Patriarchal
Vicar for Belgium and France Archdiocese
Archbishop for Archdiocese of Belgium and France
On Sunday February 12, 2006,
His Holiness Mor Ignatius Zakka I Iwas, the
Patriarch of Antioch, celebrated the Holy Divine
Liturgy at Basilique Nationale du Sacré-Cœur,
Koekelberg-Bruxelles, assisted by Seven of Their
Eminence and through the Divine Liturgy
the Very Rev. Raban Hazail Issa
Soumi Metropolitan Patriarchal Vicar for
the new established Archdiocese of Belgium and
France giving him the name of Mor Severius
Hazail Soumi.
Congratulation, and may God protect him with His
grace. Photos
Click here
February 12,
H.H. will consecrate very Rev. Fr. Hazail Soumi
Metropolitan for
Belgium and France Archdiocese
Archbishop for Archdiocese of Belgium and France
The Holy Synod of the Syriac Orthodox Church in
its meeting held in December 13-15 divided the
Central Europe Archdiocese into three
Archdioceses Patriarchal Vicariates: Archdiocese
of Netherlands, Archdiocese of Belgium and
France, and Archdiocese of Switzerland and
His Holiness Mor Ignatius Zakka I Iwas, the
Patriarch, appointed Very Rev. Raban Hazail Issa
Soumi to be Metropolitan Patriarchal Vicar for
the new established Archdiocese of Belgium and
France. Rev. Soumi will be ordained by His
Holiness on Sunday February 12th, 2006 at
Basilique Nationale du Sacré-Cœur,
December 10, 2005:
Heads of Oriental Orthodox Churches hold their
Eighth Meeting
Friday and
Saturday, December 9-10, 2005, the Heads of the
Oriental Orthodox Churches in the Middle East,
His Holiness Pope Shenouda III of the Coptic
Church, His Holiness Patriarch Mor Ignatius
Zakka I Iwas of the Syrian Church and His
Holiness Catholicos Aram I of the Armenian
Church-Catholicosate of Cilicia, held their 8th
meeting, at St. Ephrem Seminary, Ma’arat
Saidnaya, Damascus, Syria. This fellowship was
founded in 1996.
their deliberations, the three Heads addressed
issues related to the family of the Oriental
Orthodox Churches and its theological dialogues
with various churches, and discussed matters
related to the Eastern Orthodox Churches, the
Roman Catholic Church, the Anglican Communion,
the Churches of the Reformation, the World
Council of Churches and the Middle East Council
of Churches. The socio-political situation in
the Middle East as well as the theological
seminaries, the youth and the publication
sub-committees of the Oriental Orthodox Churches
acquired special attention.
The three Heads
extended their blessings and appreciation to the
Standing Committee, who convened its meeting
December 7-8.
At the end of
their meeting, the three Heads signed a Common
Declaration encouraging the active participation of
their faithful in evangelism, diakonia, Christian
education, theological formation and youth
activities as genuine expressions of life and
witness of their Churches. Additionally, issues
related to theological dialogues and ecumenical
collaboration on global and regional levels, as well
as human rights, social justice, peace and
inter-faith relations were highlighted.
The 9th
meeting of His Holiness Pope Shenouda III, His
Holiness Patriarch Ignatius Zakka I and His Holiness
Catholicos Aram I will be hosted by the Armenian
Catholicosate of Cilicia, in Antelias, Lebanon, in
November 2006.
The full text of the Common Declaration is
posted on this website at:
Common Declaration
December 16,
New Archbishop to the Archdiocese of St. Matta,
On Friday December 16, 2005
Holiness Mor Ignatius Zakka I Iwas, Patriarch of
Antioch, celebrated the Divine Liturgy at St.
Ephrem church in St. Ephrem Seminary, Ma'arat Saidnaya, Syria and
consecrated Rabban Mousa Abdulahad Aziz Shamani
Archbishop for the Archdiocese of Mor Matta in
Iraq, the new consecrated Archbishop given a
name of Mor Timotheos Mousa A. Shamani.
Timotheos Mousa A. Shamani born
in 1966, in Mosul, Iraq.
In 1992 he graduated from
the Theological
Seminary in Iraq, and in 1996 he obtained the
Theological licentiate from Theological Seminary
of Athena, Greece. In the same year became a
monk at St. Ephrem seminary in Ma'arat Saidnaya,
Congratulation, and may God protect him with His
November 22-26,
His Holiness the Patriarch in Oman
The congregation of the Syriac Orthodox Church
from India who are in Oman State (south-eastern
coast of the
have invited His Holiness the Patriarch to bless
their Silver Jubilee.
His Holiness will leave the Patriarchal
Headquarter on Tuesday November 22 to celebrate
and bless the congregation in Oman till November
26. His Holiness will be accompanied with his
assistant His Eminence Mor Athanasius Elia Bahi
and his secretary Mor Athanasius Georges of the
affairs of India. His Beatitude Mor Basilius
Thomas I, the Catholicos of the East will join
His Holiness in the celebrations.
December 13-15,
Holy Synod will be hold at Ma'arat Saidnaya
Monastery, Damascus
His Eminence Mor Clemis Eugene Kaplan received
from the Patriarchate on Friday November 11, 2005,
that the Holy synod of the Syriac Orthodox
Church of Antioch will be hold between December
13-15, at the Monastery of Mor Ephrem, Ma'arat
Saidnaya, Damascus, to discuss the situation of
Europe after the
unexpected passing away of His Eminence Archbishop
Julius Isa Çiçek of Central Europe on
Saturday October 29, 2005.
October 29, 2005:
Eminence Mor Julius Isa
Çiçek of the Central Europe entered
eternal rest
deep sorrow and grief , His Eminence Mor Clemis
Kaplan received from His Eminence Archbishop Mor
Athanasius Elia Bahi on Saturday October 29, 2005,
the painful news of the unexpected passing away
of His Eminence Archbishop Julius Isa Çiçek of
Central Europe.
Archbishop Mor Julius Isa (Yeshu) Çiçek, the
publisher-calligrapher and Archbishop of Holland,
passed away unexpectedly. His contribution to Syriac
studies includes publishing a few hundred books
through Bar Hebraeus Verlag. Funeral arrangement is
being made to be on Saturday November 5, 2005,
noon time, at
the Mor Ephrem monastery in Losser, The Netherlands.
The mortal remains will be interred in the tomb for
bishops in the Cathedral of the Holy Virgin Mary,
below the sanctuary, where also rests the late
Archbishop of North America of blessed memory, Mor
Athanasius Samuel.
On behalf of the
Archdiocese of the Western USA with sorrow we
offer heartfelt condolences to our beloved Syriac
Orthodox Church in general and to the Central Europe
Archdiocese in particular. For more information
click here.
Sep. 15-16,
HH the Pope Shenouda III attend the Silver
Jubilee of HH Mor Ignatius
Zakka I Iwas in Ma'arat
Saidnaya, Damascus-Syria
HH Pope Shenouda III and His delegation came
from Cairo to Beirut airport and headed for
Damascus-Syria. At their arrival to
Syrian-Lebanese border they were met by HH
Patriarch Mar Ignatius Zakka I of the See of
Antioch and the whole East of the Syrian
Orthodox Church accompanied by a delegation of
the Syrian church Metropolitans, along with the
Egyptian Ambassador in Syria Mr. Hazem Khairat.
Soonafter, they all proceeded to Mar Ephrem's
monastery in Ma'aret Saidenaya where HH was met at
His arrival by the Catholicos Mar Basilios of the
Syrian Church in India and the Syrian Metropolitans
in Lebanon, Syria and Iraq and from different
countries of the world as well as the metropolitans
of the Syrian Church of India.
The Silver Jubilees' Celebration At 18:00 hrs, HH
Pope Shenouda III and HH Patriarch Mar Zakka with
their respective delegations arrived at the
cathedral named after the two apostles St. Peter and
St. Paul in Mar Ephrem's monastery. Their Holiness
passed through the huge awaiting audience on their
way to the church. Everybody was joyous and grateful
on the blessed occasion of HH Patriarch Mar Zakka's
Silver Jubilee anniversary and the Pope's visit.
The ceremony was attended by the Syrian Prime
Minister Eng. Mahmoud Al Ebrashy along with former
Prime Minister Dr. Mustafa Miro and a number of
ministers and members of the Syrian Parliament. It
was also attended by HH Patriarch Ignatius Hozeim
IV of the See of Antioch and the whole East for the
Greek Orthodox church accompanied by church head
representatives in Syria, the Vatican Ambassador,
some Islamic leaders, the Egyptian Ambassador and
their Excellency the Ambassadors and Councilors of
many other countries.
HH Pope Shenouda III gave a word of felicitation to
HH Patriarch Mar Zakka Ewas I. It was strong in
spirituality springing from a heart full of love. HH
spoke first about common grounds between Him and HH
Patriarch Mar Ignatius Zakka I as they both lost
their mothers at a young age and that gave them
strength and persistence. They both went to the
theological seminary. They both wrote poems,
ordained monks in the same year 1945, and they both
participated in the ecumenical service.
HH Pope Shenouda III then spoke of the personal and
spiritual qualities of HH the Patriarch and His
utmost humility. Then He mentioned His achievements,
His books, His writings, and His accomplishments
even prior to His enthronement when He was the
Metropolitan of Mosul then of Baghdad. Moreover,
His ordination of a large number of Metropolitans
all over the world. HH The Pope drew the attention
of everyone to the construction of the religious
center in Ma'aret Saidnaya. All thought of, planned
and executed by HH the Patriarch to benefit future
At the end, HH the Pope presented HH Patriarch Mar
Zakka Iwas I, a golden 'Bronzen Serpent' and a gold
hand cross.
Patriarch Zakka I, then gave a word of thanks and
gratitude for HH the Pope’ attendance which
reflected the great brotherly love between them
saying that He is the most esteemed Eastern Orthodox
Patriarch and teacher.
Their Holiness then proceeded to the banquet hall to
receive the congratulators on that blissful
Sep. 2-3 &:
The Syriac Orthodox Church of Antioch celebrates
the Patriarchal Silver
Jubilee of HH Mor Ignatius Zakka I Iwas in Ma'arat
Saidnaya, Damascus-Syria
It is delighting and blissful at the same time to
write about the occasion of our beloved Patriarch
His Holiness Moran Mor Ignatius Zakka I Iwas’s
Silver Jubilee.
Celebrating the 25th anniversary of his enthronement
on the venerable See of Antioch, as the 122nd
Patriarch of Antioch, Mor Ignatius Zakka Iwas is one
of only fifteen who have held the patriarchal office
for an entire quarter of a century. His two
immediate predecessors, Mor Ignatius Aphrem Barsaum
and Mor Ignatius Ya`qub III, were patriarchs for 24
and 23 years respectively. All three have lived
through times of momentous change which required
great wisdom on the part of leaders of all the
Church leaders; without any doubt one can say that
all three patriarchs, each in his own special way,
has shown great wisdom in guiding the Syriac
Orthodox Church through these turbulent times. His
Holiness is, of course, linked to his two
predecessors in a special way, having been personal
patriarchal secretary to Mor Aphrem Barsaum, and
having been ordained priest by Patriarch Mor Ya`qub
As I see it, one of the main challenges with which
the Syrian Orthodox Church has been faced in the
last fifty or so years is the large-scale emigration
from the Middle East countries and the growth of
large Syrian Orthodox diasporas in Europe, the
Americas and Australia. This has posed all sorts of
new challenges but also new opportunities. His
Holiness has been a tireless traveler, visiting his
flock, not only in these three continents, but also
the much longer established Syrian Orthodox
community in India where he first went to consecrate
the Myron in 1982.
A much shorter journey of great historic
significance, was made in 2000, to Antakya in
Turkey, (ancient Antioch), where His Holiness was
the first Syrian Orthodox Patriarch to celebrate the
Holy Eucharist there for well over a thousand years.
In view of the growth of the Syrian Orthodox
communities in different parts of the world,
especially in western countries, the need for good
theological education, above all for the clergy, has
become all the more urgent. His Holiness has clearly
shown that he is well aware of it, both by founding
the Seminary of St. Ephrem at Ma`arat Saidnaya
(opened in 1996), and by sending promising
theological students to study in western
universities. This has been especially fruitful,
since it has given the opportunity for students of
other backgrounds to get to know these Syrian
Orthodox students, and to learn at first hand about
their Church.
One of the positive aspects of the large-scale
emigration of Syrian Orthodox to western countries
has been the growth of a better awareness of the
Syrian Orthodox Church and of the richness of its
tradition by Christians in other Christian Churches.
Thanks to the presence of Syrian Orthodox people
among them. In this regard the founding of Syrian
Orthodox monasteries in Holland, Switzerland and
Germany, seems to be of especial significance: not
only do they serve as invaluable spiritual focuses
for the Syrian Orthodox communities in these
countries, but also provide Christians from other
Churches with a physical observance of the Syriac
monastic tradition in their very midst. This of
course gives a new urgency in the context of
ecumenical relations. Here, too, His Holiness has
shown himself to be very active in promoting
ecumenical dialogue. He had already been an Observer
at the Second Vatican Council in 1962/3 and was a
participant in 1970s in several of the meetings of
the Non-Official Oriental Orthodox/Catholic
theological dialogue, arranged by the Pro Oriente
Foundation in Vienna, founded by the later Cardinal
König. Particularly momentous was his meeting with
Pope John Paul II in 1984, resulting in their joint
theological declaration. Another event of great
significance, as far as the Middle East is
concerned, was the joint accord with the Rum
Orthodox Patriarch of Antioch in 1991.
For several meetings of Pro Oriente’s ‘Syriac
Dialogue’, involving all the different Churches of
Syriac tradition, His Holiness sent a special
message, along with his Apostolic Blessings.
We are looking forward to harvesting results; due to
the recent developments that affected the relations
between the Ancient Assyrian Church of the East and
the rest of the Churches especially after the Common
Christological Declaration signed by the Assyrian
Church and the Roman Catholic Church [in November
1994] which opened the door for more dialogue and
serious studies on the part of all Syrian Churches
One of the achievements of theological dialogue has
been to clear away some of the traditional
misunderstandings concerning the Christology of the
Church of the East, and in 1998 bilateral
theological dialogue between the Syrian Orthodox
Church and the Church of the East was on the agenda,
but unfortunately this has, for the moment, not yet
materialized. Another area where relations had
historically been antagonistic is between the Syrian
Orthodox and the Syriac Catholic Church, but in 1999
His Holiness brought about the first steps towards a
rapprochement when he personally met with the Syrian
Catholic Patriarch Mousa I Daoud, on the occasion of
the first Joint Episcopal Meeting of the two
Churches, at Sharfeh monastery in Lebanon.
It is a fitting tribute to His Holiness’s concern
for good ecumenical relations that, in 1998, he was
elected a President of the World Council of
His Holiness is a reviver of the monasticism
movement in his time. He started a new era in the
history of the Syriac Orthodox Church by
establishing tools for monks and nuns and providing
them scholarship in different universities in many
countries for pursuing their studies. He ordained
more than eighty monks, and nuns, and thirty six
Many books could be written in detail about our
Holy Father, the great pontiff of our Syriac
Orthodox Church, but we will stop here.
On this auspicious occasion of the Patriarchal
Silver Jubilee, His Eminence Mor Clemis Eugene
Kaplan, Archbishop of the Western US, along with
clergy, church organizations and faithful people of
the Archdiocese, express their great appreciation,
for all of His Holiness achievements in this past
quarter century, and pray to the Almighty God to
extend his life with good health to lead the church
of God in true faith and traditions. We join the
Syriac people worldwide in wishing His Holiness
shnayo sagi’otho (many more years of his
Profile Of
His Holiness Moran
Mor Ignatius Zakka I Iwas
Patriarch of
Antioch and All the East
Supreme Head of
the Universal Syrian Orthodox Church
Holiness was born in a prestigious Iraqi family
in Mousl
Iraq on April 21, 1933 and was
named Sanharib. He is the son of Basher Iwas and
Haseebeh Atto. He also has the Lebanese
He received his elementary
education at the schools of Altahzeeb and Mar
Touma in Mousl of the Syrian Orthodox Church.
He joined St. Ephrem Seminary in
Mousl in the academic year 1946-1947, and was
named Zakka. He graduated from the Seminary with
distinction and obtained Diploma in Theology,
Church history, Canon Law and in the Syriac,
Arabic and English languages in 1954.
He took his monastic vows on
June 6, 1954 and became a teacher
of the Holy Bible, Syriac and Arabic at the same
Seminary. Thereafter he joined the Secretariat
at the Patriarchal Headquarters in Homs as
Second Secretary during the Patriarchate of
Patriarch Ephrem I Barsoum.
When the Late Patriarch Yacoub
III was enthroned on the Patriarchal See he was
appointed as Patriarchal First Secretary and was
ordained a priest in 1957. He was decorated with
the Holy Cross on
April 15, 1959.
He joined the Episcopal School of
Theology in
New York in the academic year
1961-1962 and later received an Honorary
Doctorate in Theology from that School.
He was appointed as an Official
Observer at the Second Vatican Council in its
two sessions in 1962-1963.
He was ordained as the Archbishop
of Mosul and its environs in 1963 through 1969,
and was given the name of Mor Severius Zakka
Iwas. He was in charge of the diocese from 1963
through 1969.
In 1966 he was appointed as the
Acting Archbishop of the Archdiocese of the
monastery of Mar Mattai in addition to his
position as Archbishop of Mosul.
He was elected as the Archbishop
of the Diocese of Baghdad and
Basra in 1969, and was also
appointed as the Acting Archbishop of Europe and
He was unanimously elected by the
Holy Syrian Orthodox Synod of Antioch as the
Patriarch of Antioch and All the East and the
Supreme Head of the Universal Syrian Orthodox
Church on
July 11, 1980.
He was enthroned as Patriarch
with the name Mor Ignatius Zakka I Iwas at St.
George Cathedral in
Damascus on September 14, 1980.
He was elected as a president
(one of the four presidents) of the MECC on
January 22, 1990.
He became a President (one of the
seven Presidents) of the WCC on
December 14, 1998.
Most important
Construction works during his Patriarchate
Construction of the ‘Monastery of
St. Ephrem the Syrian’ in Ma’arat
Seydnaya which was inaugurated on September 14,
Construction of the ‘Universal
Center of Syrian Orthodox Religious Education’
at the Monastery of St. Ephrem the Syrian in
Ma’arat Seydnaya which was inaugurated on
September 14, 1998.
Construction of the ‘Universal
Center of Syrian Orthodox Religious Education’
at the Monastery of St. Ephrem the Syrian in
Ma’arat Seydnaya which was inaugurated on
September 14, 1998.
Construction of the ‘Cathedral of
Saints Peter and Paul, the two Chief Apostles’,
at the Monastery of St. Ephrem the Syrian in
Ma’arat Seydnaya which was inaugurated on
September 14, 1999.
Construction of ‘St. Ephrem
Patriarchal Hall’s at the Monastery of St.
Ephrem the Syrian in Ma’arat Seydnaya which was
inaugurated on
September 14, 2000
Construction of the ‘House of
Love for the elderly Syrian Orthodox Clergy’ in
Ma’arat Seydnaya which was inaugurated on
September 14, 2003.
Construction of numerous
monasteries, churches, shrines and schools, and
the establishment of associations and
institutions in various Syrian Dioceses.
His Holiness holds:
A Diploma from St. Ephrem
Seminary School in
A Diploma in Journalism by
correspondence from
Fellowship of the
Institute of Syriac Studies at
the University of Chicago in 1981.
Honorary Doctorate from the
Episcopal General School of Theology in
New York in 1984.
1972: Vice President of the
Syriac Language Academy in
1979. Active Member, Head of the
Syrian Board as well as Member of the Board of
Presidents of the
Iraqi Academy, and Associate
Member of the Arabic Academy in Jordan.
1998: Honorary member of the
Iraqi Academy.
2000: Member Correspondent of
Damascus Arabic Academy.
Some of his
published works
1. “Al-Markat
fi Amal Rai Al-Ruaat Mar Ignatius Yacoub III”
(The Ascent-Works of
Mor Ignatius Yacoub III, the Shepherd of Shepherds).
The first book issued by His Holiness in 1958. It
includes a historical overview of the town of
Bartallehi and a biography of the Late Patriarch
Yacoub III with a description of his Apostolic
Visits to South America, the villages of Homs and
Aleppo. (350pp).
2. “Husn
Al-Shahada wa Al-Adaa fi Sir’rai Al-Tajassud wa Al-Fidaa
aou Akidat Al-Tajassud Al-Ilahi”
Perfection of Witness and Deeds in the Sacraments of
Incarnation and Redemption or The Doctrine of Divine
Incarnation). It is a treatise on the theme of
Incarnation and Redemption from theological,
doctrinal and historical points of view. Issued in
1959 (86pp)
3. “Al-mishkat
fi ziyarat Rai Al-Ruat Mar Ignatius Yacoub III”
(The Lamp-the Visit of Mor Ignatius Yacoub III, The
Shepherd of Shepherds). Issued in 1960. It includes
a description of the Apostolic Visits of his
predecessor, the Late Patriarch Yacoub III to Zahleh,
Egypt, Jordan, USA and Canada. (160pp).
4. “Silsilat
al-Tahtheeb Al-Maseehi”
(Series of Christian Ethics). 4 vols. (220pp) issued
in 1967. Mosul ed.
5. Al-Asrar
(The Seven Sacraments). A theological and liturgical
treatise issued in 1970 in cooperation with Priest
Ishaq Saka (later Archbishop) (220pp).
6. Sirat
Mar Aphram Al-Suryani” (Biography
of St. Ephrem the Syrian) issued in 1974 mainly for
distribution among the participants in Ephrem Hunain
Festival in Baghdad. Published by the Syriac
Language Academy in Baghdad. 84pp).
7. “Al-Hamama”
(The Dove). A summary of the austere life style of
ascetics and biographies of anchorities by Bar
Hebraeus, Catholicos of the East. A critical
comparison of the old Syriac manuscript copied four
years after the death of Bar Hebraeus with the older
Syriac copes. Translated into Arabic with an
introduction written by His Holiness in which he
touched upon the life of Bar Hebraeus and his works.
He also had concise quotations from the English
translation written by the Dutch Oirentalist Winsink,
who died in 1939 which served as a second
introduction to the book. (260pp).
8. “Kanisat
Antakia Al-Suriania Al-Orthodoxia Ibra Al-Ousour”
(The Syrian Orthodox Church Through the Ages). A
general historical treatise on the Church. Issued in
1980. 40pp. Translated into English.
9. “Qissat
Ahl Al-kahft fi almasader al-Suriania”
(The Story of the People of the Cave according to
Syriac References). A historical and theological
treatise (40pp).
10. “Hassad
(Harvest of Homilies) 2 vols. A collection of
Homilies delivered by His Holiness at the St. George
Cathedral in Damascus at Christmas and Easter and on
other religious occasions. Patriarchal Encyclicals,
Spiritual Discourses and biographies of some
celebrated personalities. First vol. Issued in 1984.
(167pp) Second Vol. issued in 1988. (200pp)
11. “Masabeeh
Ala Al Tareeq”
(Lanterns on the Road) A collection of treatises
including religious literature, Ecclesiastic
History, Social life and biographies of saints.
12. “Nujoom
Satea fi Samaa Al-Kanisha”
(Luminous Stars in the Church) includes biographies
of celebrated Syrian Fathers, Mar philoxenos of
Mabbug +523, Mar Gregory I, Patriarch of Antioch
+790, Mar Jacob of Edessa +708, Patriarch Dionysius
Al-Talmahri +845, all of whom were included in the
collection of theological, historical and spiritual
13- “Raihat Al-Maseeh
Al-Zakiah” (The Sweet Fragrance of Jesus)
14- A collection of
treatises dealing with ecumenical issues:
The Church and the basics of
ecumenical Councils in it.
Acceptance of Councils.
Fellowship among local churches and
Syrian Church and Christian Unity.
4- Views of an
Observer at Lambeth Conference.
15- Religious, Literary and
Historical Treatises
An illustrious page of the history of
Syriac Literature.
Religious values and Family Planning.
The Doctrine of the One Nature of
Christ in the Syrian Liturgy.
16. “Nafahat
Kadasah”) Fragrances of Holiness) edited by
Father Dr. Mitri Haji Athansiu with an introduction
written by him. It includes stories of some saints:
St Thomas, St. Ibrahim Al-Kaidouni, St. Ephrem, St.
Mathew the hermit and the two martyrs Behnam and his
sister Sarah and the forty Martyrs.
Saint Peter, the Chief of the Apostles in the
Syrian Orthodox Church of
18. They Syrian Orthodox Church of
Antioch and the canonical Councils.
19. A selection of
Patriarchal Encyclicals issued in 1997. (247
20. Illustrious
pages of the history of the Church in 2nd
and 3rd centuries AD. Vol I issued
in 1997. (144pp).
21. The Role of Women in the Syrian Orthodox
Church of
issued in 1998. (31pp)
22. Religious
Homilies under the title “Baidar Al-Mawaez”
(Threshing floor of Homilies). Vol. I issued in 1997
23. Historical,
Religious and Literary Presentations. Vol. I
issued in 1998. (240pp).
24. Theological,
Doctrinal, Historical and Spiritual Presentations.
Vol 2 issued in 1998 (447pp)
25. Historical,
Theological and Spiritual presentations. Vol 3
issued in 2000. (296pp)
26. Other works:
The Patriarchal Journal
25 Volumes (from 1980 onwards). Published by His
Holiness under His personal supervision. His
Holiness Has been writing in it since his
enthronement on September 14, 1980.
Numerous articles on
the Doctrine, Spirituality, History and linguistics
also have been published by His Holiness in the
Patriarchal Journal and some works are under print.
The Second Meeting of Catholic-Oriental Orthodox
Theological Dialogue
Report of the Second
Meeting of the International Joint Commission for
Theological Dialogue Between the Catholic Church and
the Oriental Orthodox
Rome, Italy, 26-29 January 2005
Catholic and Oriental Orthodox representatives,
delegated by their churches, held their second
meeting from 26-29 January 2005, as members of the
International Joint Commission for Theological
Dialogue between the Catholic Church and the
Oriental Orthodox Churches, under the
co-chairmanship of H.E. Cardinal Walter Kasper,
President of the Pontifical Council for Promoting
Christian Unity, and H.E.Metropolitan Amba Bishoy of
Damiette, General Secretary of the Holy Synod of the
Coptic Orthodox Church.
The meeting was held in Rome at the Domus
Internationalis Paulus VI, hosted by the Pontifical
Council for Promoting Christian Unity. Delegates
were present from the Catholic Church and from the
following Oriental Orthodox Churches: the Coptic
Orthodox Church, the Syrian Orthodox Church, the
Armenian Apostolic Church (Catholicosate of All
Armenians), the Armenian Apostolic Church (Catholicosate
of Cilicia), the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahido Church,
the Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church and the
Eritrean Orthodox Tewahido Church.
The representatives of the Oriental Orthodox Church
held their separate preparatory meeting on Tuesday
25 January 2005. Both delegations held additional
separate meetings during the dialogue. Each working
day commenced with morning prayers and concluded
with evening prayers and the meetings were conducted
in a very cordial atmosphere.
The delegates were invited to attend the ecumenical
vespers traditionally celebrated at the conclusion
of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity on the
Feast of the Conversion of St. Paul (25January) at
the Basilica of St. Paul Outside the Walls, which
were presided over by H.E. Cardinal Walter Kasper.
The members of the Commission were received in
audience by H.H. Pope John Paul II on Friday 28
January 2005. On behalf of the Commission
Metropolitan Amba Bishoy addressed the Pope
conveying the greetings of the Heads of the Oriental
Orthodox Churches, and the Pope responded with a
brief message of welcome and encouragement.
On Friday 28th January the Commission was invited to
share in vespers and a meal with the Benedictine
Community of Sant' Anselmo.
As had been agreed upon at the first meeting of the
International Joint Commission in Cairo in January
2004, the principal themes were:
a) Understanding of Communion, Constitutive Elements
of Communion;
b) Particular and Universal Communion, Meaning of
Sister Churches and of Church Families;
c) Full Communion and Degrees of Communion, Common
Ecumenical Goal.
During the course of the meeting papers were
presented from the Catholic Church and Oriental
Orthodox Churches on these themes:
1)"The Church as Communion in Early Christian
Thought" (Fr. Mark Sheridan);
2) "Communion-Sister Churches-Church Families"
(Archbishop Mesrob K. Krikorian);
3) "Full Communion and the Degrees of Communion,
Common Ecumenical Goal" (Fr. Philippe Luisier);
4) "Full Communion and Degrees of Communion, Common
Ecumenical Goal" (Metropolitan Amba Bishoy and Fr.
Shenouda Maher);
5) "Particular Church/Universal Church, Sister
Churches, Ecclesial Families" (Fr. Paul Rouhana);
6) "Understanding Communion, Constitutive Elements
of Communion" (Rev.Megabe Biluy Seife Selassie
Yohannes and Lique Hiruyan Getachew Guadie).
Discussion in the plenary sessions on the papers
allowed the participants to reach the following
common affirmations:
1) The Church by its very nature is a communion,
which finds its source and model in the communion of
the Holy Trinity, the Father, the Son and the Holy
Spirit. This communion finds its expression in
conciliarity/collegiality. The question of primacy
should be further studied.
2) The constitutive elements of communion include:
a. the Apostolic faith as lived in the Tradition and
as expressed in the Holy Scriptures, the first three
ecumenical councils, and the Niceno-Constantinopolitan
Creed; we believe in Jesus Christ the Incarnate Word
of God, the same being true God and true man; we
venerate the Holy Virgin Mary as Mother of God;
b. the celebration of the seven sacraments (Baptism,
Confirmation/Chrismation, Eucharist,
penance/reconciliation, ordination, matrimony,
anointing of the sick); we consider baptism as
essential for salvation; with regard to the
Eucharist, we believe that it is the true Body and
Blood of Jesus Christ;
c. the ordained ministry in Apostolic succession.
However, from a Catholic point of view, the question
of the mutual recognition of baptism must be a point
of further discussion,
3) Thanks to the many shared elements of communion,
the Catholic Church uses the phrases "real though
incomplete communion" and "degrees of communion".
However, from the point of view of the Oriental
Orthodox Churches, these terms require further
4) The Oriental Orthodox Churches, being in full
communion with each other in faith and sacraments,
refer to their unity by the term "family of
Churches". However, from the point of view of the
Catholic Church, this concept requires further
study, since it is not a part of its tradition.
The next meeting of the International Joint
Commission will be hosted by the Catholicosate of
All Armenians at Holy Etchmiadzin, Armenia, from
Wednesday 25 January (day of arrival) till Tuesday
31 January 2006 (day of departure). Both delegations
will have separate meetings on Thursday 26 January.
Friday 27, Saturday 28 and Monday 30 will be full
meeting days for the Joint International Commission.
Three papers from each side will be prepared on the
following issues:
1. Bishops in Apostolic Succession;
2. Primacy and Synodality/Conciliarity;
3. Synods, local and ecumenical (their
ecclesiological meaning).
Papers will be sent to the Pontifical Council for
Promoting Christian Unity in the Vatican, by
November 15th , 2005, for communication to the
members of the Commission, not later than December
1st, 2005.
The members of the International Joint Commission
Representatives of the Oriental Orthodox churches
Coptic Orthodox Church :
H.E. Amba Bishoy (co-chair), Metropolitan of
Damiette, General Secretary of the Holy Synod of the
Coptic Orthodox Church;
Rev. Fr. Dr. Shenouda Maher Ishak (Rochester, U.S.A);
Syrian Orthodox Church :
H.E. Mor Theophilus George Saliba, Archbishop of
Mount Lebanon, Secretary of the Holy Synod of the
Syrian Orthodox Church;
H.G. Dr. Kuriakose Theophilose, M.S.O.T.
Seminary,Vettickal, India;
Armenian Apostolic Church (Catholicosate of all
H.E. Dr.Mesrob K. Krikorian, Archbishop of Vienna;
H.E. Khajag Barsamian,Archbishop of the Eastern
Diocese of the Armenian Church of America;
Armenian Apostolic Church (Catholicosate of Cilicia):
H.E. Archbishop Oshagan Choloyan, Prelate of the
Eastern Prelacy in the U.S.A.;
H.G. Bishop Nareg Alemezian, Ecumenical Officer of
the Catholicosate of Cilicia;
Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahido Church:
Rev. Megabe Biluy Seife Selassie Yohannes, Member of
the Scholar Council of the Patriarchate;
Lique Hiruyan Getachew Guadie; Head of Department of
Foreign Relations;
Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church:
H.E. Philipos Mar Eusebios, Metropolitan of
Rev. Dr. John Mathews (co-secretary), Secretary of
the Committee on Inter-Church Relations;
Eritrean Orthodox Tewahido Church:
Rev. Fr. Kaleab Gebreselassie, Co-ordinator for
Foreign Affairs;
H.G. Bishop Abuna Shenouda Zeamanuel (Rome),
substitute for Mr. Yoftahe
Dimetrios, General Director of the Eritrean Orthodox
Church (prevented).
Representatives of the Catholic Church
H.E. Cardinal Walter Kasper (co-chair), President of
the Pontifical Council for
Promoting Christian Unity;
H.E. Paul-Werner Scheele, Bishop em. of Würzburg,
H.E. Amba Kyrillos William, Coptic Catholic Bishop
of Assiut, President of the
Ecumenical Commission of the Catholic Church in
H.E. Mons. Jules Mikhael Al-Jamil, Procurator of the
Syrian Catholic
Patriarchate to the Holy See and Apostolic Visitator
in Europe;
H.E. Mons. Boutros Marayati, Armenian Catholic
Archbishop of Aleppo,President of
the Ecumenical Commission of the Catholic Church in
H.E. Mons. Woldetensae Ghebreghiorghis, Apostolic
Vicar of Harar (Ethiopia),
President of the Ecumenical Commission of the
Catholic Church in Ethiopia and
Rev. Fr. Mathew Vellanickal, Vicar General of the
Archdiocese of Changanacherry,
Rev. Fr. Ronald Roberson, Secretariat for Ecumenical
and Interreligious Affairs
of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops,
Washington, USA;
Rev. Fr. Frans Bouwen, M.Afr., Consultant to the
Pontifical Council for
Promoting Christian Unity, Jerusalem;
Rev. Fr. Philippe Luisier, S.J., Pontificio Istituto
Orientale, Rome;
Rev. Fr. Mark Sheridan, O.S.B., Dean of the Faculty
of Theology, Pontificio
Ateneo S. Anselmo, Rome;
Rev. Fr. Boghos Levon Zekiyan, Pontificio Istituto
Orientale, Rome;
Rev. Fr. Paul Rouhana, O.L.M., Université
Saint-Esprit, Kaslik, Jounieh,
Prof. Dietmar W. Winkler, School of Theology, Boston
University, USA;
Msgr. Johan Bonny (co-secretary), staff-member of
the Pontifical Council for
Promoting Christian Unity.
Metropolitan Bishoy
Cardinal Walter Kasper
Rome, 29 January 2005
Posted By
Thomas Daniel (Reji)
St. George Jacobite Syrian Orthodox Church
Cheppaud, Alleppy Dist, Kerala, Inida