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A brief historical review on St. Ephraim
the mother church in the Western Archdiocese
St. Ephraim
Church was founded in Hollywood, California in 1962, by a few
Syrian Orthodox families lead by the late Rev. Father Fadel
Fedail. The community acquired the Church building on Hoover
St. in 1967, and it has been growing ever since. In the mid
seventies the membership had grown to about 60 families. In the
late seventies and early eighties, and as a result of relatively
large scale immigration from the Middle East, membership grew to
several hundred families.
After passing
away of the Very Rev. Fr. Fadel Fedail in 1982, Rev. Fr. Nimeh
Farah served the community until the end of 1985. In January
1986, the Rev. Fr. Dr. Joseph Tarzi assumed ministry of the
church. The real expansion and prosperity of the Church did not
begin until after August 1989, when the church moved to a new
location: 900 N. Glenoaks Blvd, in Burbank.
In November,
1995, the Holy Synod headed by our beloved Patriarch His
Moran Mor Ignatius Zakka I, Iwas, decided to divide the
Archdiocese of the United States and Canada into (3) three
Archdioceses, one of which is that of the Western United
States. His Holiness further appointed His Eminence Archbishop Mor
Clemis Eugene Kaplan to be the Patriarchal Vicar for the newly
created Archdiocese. H. E. started his duties in April, 1996.
Through the
personal efforts of His Eminence Archbishop Mor Clemis Eugene Kaplan the
Church in the Western Archdiocese entered into a new era of
spiritual growth and activities. St. Ephraim church has chosen
to be Cathedral, and under the auspices of His Eminence a strong
Boy and Girl Scout movement has been established in the
Archdiocese the center of which is St. Ephraim Cathedral.
Through the
help of God and the leadership of H. E. Mor Clemis Eugene Kaplan,
and prayers of His Holiness, St. Ephraim Cathedral will grow
further and prosper making its way up into this new century of
With the new
facility of the church, and through the hard work of the priests
and Parish Council's members of the Cathedral, and zealous
parishioners, many cherished dreams of the faithful have been
fulfilled. As today, at St. Ephraim Cathedral some active
organizations have been formed, there is a Youth Organization
directed towards faith, discipline, Christian love and virtues
is guided by Rev. Fr. John Saif, and a fine Choir performing
delightfully during worship trained by Rev. Fr. Louis Yacob, and
a lively Sunday School implanting faith and fear of God in the
hearts of our young ones directed by Mrs. Patricia Allaf, and
active Ladies Society “Ladies Auxiliary” which proved to be an
invaluable asset to the Church. Bible study and Syriac Classes
are held by the priests to interpret and understand the word of
God and teach the holy language of the Lord.
A full time
staffed Church office is available, and equipped with modern
office equipment to efficiently carry out office operations. In
1995 work began on establishing a day care center in the church
premise to be the nucleus of a future elementary school. The
Center was officially opened in the Fall of 1996, and soon
became a thriving School.
All these
dreams have come true with the help of God and with the hard
work of the clergy and encouragement and support of our beloved
faithful and with blessing of His Eminence.
Congratulations to our community for the important
accomplishments. May God bless our people. May their work be
for the glorification of God and the prosperity of our Holy
Syriac Orthodox Church.