Mor Ignatios Ephrem I Barsoum was
born on June 15, 1887, in Mosul, Iraq. He received his
early education in a private Dominican school, studying
French and Turkish as well as religious literature and
history; later he learned Arabic under the training of
Muslim scholars. At the
Deir al-Za`faran monastery in Mardin, Turkey, where he
started his theological training in 1905, he studied the
Syriac language and literature. After his ordination as a
priest in 1908, he remained at the monastery to teach, and
in 1911 he assumed the additional responsibility of
managing the monastery press. Later that year he began a
scholar's visit to the monasteries and churches of
Mesopotamia and Turkey. Soon after his return in 1913 he
made a similar trip to examine Syriac manuscripts in the
great libraries of Europe.
On May
20, 1918,
Patriarch Elias III consecrated Raban Ephrem as
metropolitan Mor Severus and named him the bishop of
Syria. After World War I, he gained national recognition
not only as a man of religion, but also as a man of
learning. He championed the cause of Syrian unity, winning
firm popular support by his admonition to the French to
regard themselves as liberators rather than conquerors. In
1919, he was chosen to represent the national rights of
the Syrian community in the peace settlement at Paris. He
was disillusioned, however, by the atmosphere of
self-interest which prevailed among the delegates
representing the European powers, and at one stage of the
conference found himself defending not only the rights of
the Syrians, but those of the Arab nations. Though Mor
Severus did not succeed in protecting the Syrian's
interests at Paris, the journey gave him ample opportunity
for further study of Syriac literature before his return
in May, 1920. Two years later, the League of Nations'
action making Syria a French mandate brought him the new
responsibility of providing for refugees from Cilicia, and
he also undertook the building of many new churches in and
near Aleppo.
journey took Mor Severus to Geneva and Lausanne as an
apostolic delegate to the World Conference on Faith and
Order (August 3-21, 1927). Soon afterwards he came as an
emissary of the Patriarch to the United States, where he
investigated the condition of the Syriac Orthodox Church,
consecrated three new churches, and ordained new priests.
He also gave lectures on the Syriac language and
literature at the Providence University and the University
of Chicago, and served at the Oriental Institute of the
latter institution until his return in 1929.
After the
death of Patriarch Elias III in 1932, the Synod of Bishops
named Mor Severus his acting successor. On January 30,
1933, he was formally elected Patriarch of Antioch,
assuming the ecclesiastical name of Mor Ignatius Ephrem I
Barsoum. The new Patriarch quickly showed himself as an
active Church head, establishing new dioceses and founding
a theological seminary at Zahla, Lebanon (later moved to
Mosul, and then to Beirut). In the aftermath of the
collapse of the Ottoman Empire and the political situation
in the new state of Turkey, where Deir al-Za`faran, the
seat of the Patriarchate, was located, Mor Ephrem was
forced to relocate the Patriarchate to Homs in Syria. The
great Patriarch passed away on June 23, 1957 and was
buried in Homs.
the numerous responsibilities of his work in the Church
and frequent interruptions for travel, the Patriarch
devoted much of his time to writing. Chief among his
published works are the following:
treatise refuting al-Zahra al-Dhakiya fi al-Batriyarkiyya
al-Suryaniyya al-Antakiyya, written by Ishaq Armala
in 1909. After this refutation appeared in 1910, Armala
apparently replied, for Barsoum published another
refutation in 1912.
Kitab al-Tuhfa al-Ruhiyya fi al-Salat al-Fardiyya
("The Spiritual Treasure on Canonical Prayer"), 1911.
al-Zahra al-Qudsiyya fi al-Talim al-Masihi
("The Divine Flower of the Christian Catechism"), 1912.
Nuzhat al-Adhhan fi Tarikh Dayr al-Zafaran
("The Excursion of the Mind
in the History of Za`faran"), 1912.
translation of Tahdibh al-Akhlaq ("The Training
of Characters"), by Yahya Ibn Adi, published in the
Journal of Semitic Languages and Literature, 1928.
edition of Bar `Ebroyo's Risala fi Ilm al-Nafs al-Insaniyya
("A Treatise on the Human Soul"), 1938.
translation of Bar `Ebroyo's Kitab Hadith al-Hikma
("The Speech of Wisdom"), 1940.
al-Durar al-Nafisa fi Mukhtasar Tarikh
al-Kanisa ("The Precious
Pearls of the Compendious History of the Church"), 1940.
al-Lulu al-Manthur
("The Unstrung Pearls"), 1943.
al-Alfaz al-Suryaniyya fi al-Maajim al-Arabiyya
("Syriac Words in the Arabic Lexicons"), 1951.
Qithar al-Qulub
("The Harp of the Hearts"), a volume of collected poems,
published in 1954.
Ephrem produced many other works which have never been
published. His Syriac-Arabic lexicon and his compendium of
church history in the 20th century are written in both
Syriac and Arabic. His history of Tur`abdin,
in Syriac, was translated into Arabic by Bishop Bahnam. In
Arabic, he also wrote a history of the Patriarchs of
Antioch and the famous men of the Syriac Church, a history
of Syriac Orthodox dioceses, an index of Syriac
manuscripts, and translations of ten liturgies of the
Syrian Church. Also, he translated into Arabic the second
part of the Ecclesiastical History of Bar `Ebroyo (Hebraeus)
in 1909 when he was a monk at the Monastery of Za`faran.
Patriarch Ignatius Aphram I Barsoum, The History of
Syriac Literature and Sciences. tr. Matti Mousa.
(Pueblo, CO: Passeggiata Press, 2000).