Bahnam is son of
Yuhanna of the Habbo Kanni family originally from Bartelli, but he
was born at Hedel near Esfes (in Turkey). He started his ascetic
life in Rghulo d-gihano down of his village, then became a monk at the Qartamin (Mor Gabriel)
Monastery and was ordained a priest. He studied under stylist Rabban
Jacob the old and holy man.
In 1404 he was consecrated a mapheryono (Catholicos) under the name Basilius and succeeded the
Patriarch Ibrahim on the See of Antioch under the name Ignatius on
July 24, 1412. After the death of Patriarch Basilius IV, he was able
because of his lenient policies to convince the diocese of the
patriarch to proclaim him a legitimate patriarch. Thus in 1445 they
proclaimed him Patriarch of Antioch. He died on December 10, 1454.
Patriarch Bahnam
was one of the best writers and poets of his time. There is no
little creativeness in his poetry.
1. He drew up
ten husoye in a pleasant style, three of which are
alphabetically arranged. They are on the Presentation of our Lord
in the Temple, the morning of the festival of our Lady over the
crops; three for Len t, and four for the festivals of the saints
Asya, Abhai, Barsohde and Saba. In this latter husoyo he used
Greek terms.
2. He selected
commentaries from the book of Daniel of Salah and fixed them with
his reinterpretation on a manuscript containing the Psalms written
and punctuated by him in 1425. Chabot thought that these
commentaries were written in the tenth century. In 1901 G. Diettrich
published the introduction of these commentaries together with two
treatises in Giesen.
3. He drew up a
liturgy arranged according to the Syriac alphabet, beginning thus:
"0 God who art the sea of safety and the unfathomable depth of the
water of peace." To this he prefixed a husoyo beginning thus:
"Praise to the bread of life," and appended to it a dismissory
prayer, which he composed in 1405, in the heptasyllabic meter
arranged to the alphabet.
4. He composed
eleven odes, five of which are in the twelve-syllabic meter. Two of
these odes covering sixty pages in praise of the virtues of the
martyr Mor Behnam, one rather lengthy in twenty-eight pages on the
outstanding traits of the martyr Mor Basus, published by Chabot and
then Bedjan anonymously. The former thought it was composed in the
twelfth century, while Baumstark thought it was composed at the
beginning of the Middle Ages. He also composed an ode on the martyr
Mor Saba which has been lost, and another ode in thirteen pages on
repentance in which he censures himself. It begins thus: "0 Jesus
who art the Light which illumined the world." He also composed three
heptasyllabic meter on supplication to God and repentance, one of
which begins thus: "What is it with you my soul that you have gone
astray in deception." Furthermore, he composed three songs, one on
the passion of Christ, arranged according to the alphabet, and the
second in praise of the Virgin Mary, beginning thus: "I wonder if
the mentioning of your beautiful traits." This song is still sung
during the festivals of the Virgin before the reading of the Gospel.
His third song is on repentance. If his poems were collected they
would make a good anthology.
of Syriac Literature and Sciences, Patriarch Ignatius Ephrem
I Barsoum, Presseggiata Press, p 163)