Ignatius II Patriarch
of Antioch (878-883),
he is monk Yeshu, studied
and became a monk at the Monastery of Harbaz.
After departure of John III, the Holy See
of Antioch was vacant from 873 till 878. Metropolitans of
the Syriac church met at Mor Zakai (Zakka) Monastery near
Al-Raqqa, Syria, and elected the monk Yeshu to be a
patriarch of Antioch, the Synod called him
and consecrated him
patriarch of Antioch on June 05, 878.
In the same Synod which met to
consecrate him at the Monastery of Mor Zacchaeus, he issued twelve
canons and made them public to the congregation through a
Patriarchal Bull. There
is a copy of these canons at the Patriarchate of Antioch, except for
the first and the second canons and part of the third.
He ordained
twenty-six metropolitans and bishops and died in 883.