A great Father of the church and
the choicest of the patriarchs of Antioch and a famous
historian, Michael was born at Melitene in 1126. His father the
priest Elia (Elijah) was from the Qandasi family. Michael's
uncle is Athanasius Zakka (Zacheas) metropolitan of Ayn Zarba
(d. 1166). He became a monk at the Monastery of Mar Barsoum
where he also was educated. He was ordained a priest and became
the abbot of the monastery.
The Holy Synod unanimously elected him
a patriarch for
the Apostolic throne, but he did not accept his election until the
bishops promised to adhere to the canons of the Church. He was
consecrated on October 18, 1166, and fulfilled his office
competently for thirty-three years and twenty days. He died on
November 7, 1199. He was good looking, energetic and had beautiful
handwriting. He spent his day in looking after Church matters and in
transcribing significant manuscripts; he devoted the night to the
writing of letters. He transcribed a Gospel on vellum in the
Estrangelo script, gilded its pages and bound it with a silver
cover. He compiled all the hymns of St. Ephraim and Jacob of Sarug
in several copies, which he transcribed personally. Also he marked
the service books of ordinations, principal festivals and prayers
with diacritical points with great care, and preserved them in one
huge volume.
Following are
his writings:
1. A
well-known universal history containing both world and
ecclesiastical events from the creation until 1193. He wrote it in
Syriac in several volumes, each page containing three columns: one
for the ecclesiastical history, one for world history and the third
for strange events and natural phenomena. His sources were many
histories -
some of which were known, but the
majority are lost. Some of these are the histories of Julius
Africanus, Andronecus, Eusebius of Cesarea, Valianus the Alexandrine
monk (middle of the fourth century), Socrates, Sozomen, Zachariah of
Mitylene, Qura of Batnan,John of Asia, Jacob of Edessa, John of
Atharb, Dionysius of Tall Mahre, Ignatius of Melitene, Elia of
Kaisum and Bar Salibi. He also used Arabic sources. This history
consists of eight hundred large-size pages, written in fine
handwriting. It is a very important history. A single copy of it was
found at the library in Urho (Edessa) in the handwriting of the
Metropolitan Michael of 'Urbish, which he completed while still a
monk in 1598. Only nineteen pages of it are missing. It was
translated into French and published by Chabot in five volumes in
1899-1918. It was also translated into colloquial Arabic by John
Shuqayr of Sadad, metropolitan of Damascus, in 1759. There are five
copies of this translation.344 In 1245 the priest Yeshu of Hisn Kifa
resident of Qalat al-Rum, translated an abridgement of it into
Armenian. This translation was revised by the monk Vartan and
published in Jerusalem in 1870-1871. The same was translated into
French and published by Laglois. The greatest benefit of this
history is that it contains the lists of the names of the patriarchs
of the four major Sees, particularly the See of Antioch, together
with the dioceses of Takrit, Jerusalem, Edessa, Melitene and Amid as
well as the list of the bishops of the Syrian church from 793 to
1199, numbering 950 with information about their monasteries. There
is another copy of these lists which have enriched ecclesiastical
history transcribed at the beginning of the sixteenth century346 at
2. A
confession of faith he wrote at Antioch and addressed to the Emperor
Manuel I in 1169.
3. A
treatise or an ode in which he described the traits and writings of
Dionysius bar Salibi.
4. A recommendation for Bar Wahbun when he sent him to meet with the
Byzantine delegate to discuss the unity of the churches in 1172.
5. Twenty-nine canons which he enacted at the Monastery of Mor
Hananyo, followed by twelve more canons he enacted in 1174.
6. A
treatise he wrote in 1178, refuting the Albingensians, whose heresy
had appeared in France.
7. A liturgy in sixteen pages arranged according to the letters of
the alphabet. It begins thus: "Almighty God and Lord of all, make us
worthy to draw near to this great divine mystery."
8. Homilies for feasts and Sundays. The Edessene Chronicler stated,
"He (Michael) transcribed in his own handwriting a huge volume
containing homilies for the whole year and added unto it his own
homilies for festivals and Sundays, which were not included in it.
9. Two husoye, one of them for Mor Barsoum; both have entered the
church rite.
10. He revised the life story of Mor Abhai the ascetic bishop, in
1185. This life story and other narratives which he had abridged and
recorded in his history were written by John Rufus. They contain
unsubstantiated information.
11. A heptasyllabic ode he composed in 1159 on the innocent young
woman from Talafar already mentioned in the biography of Bar Salibi. Two more dodecasyllabic odes, one of them in praise of
the achievements of John, metropolitan of Mardin (d. 1165), which he
composed in 1167; the other in praise of Mor Barsoum. We came upon a
copy of the latter of which six pages were missing and twenty-eight
pages extant.
12. A treatise against the falsifications of Mark, son of Qanbar the
Copt, which he mentioned in his history. He might have written it in
Assemani has
erroneously attributed to him an Arabic book on receiving Holy
Communion and Confession which, in fact, belongs to some Coptic
Michael's style
is smooth but his verse is mediocre and lacks creativeness.
of Syriac Literature and Sciences, Patriarch Ignatius Ephrem
I Barsoum, Presseggiata Press, p 146/7)