Bible Puzzle
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Sunday School Crossword Puzzle - 1 |
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The "I AM" sayings of Jesus Christ
Has anybody ever asked you what you believe about Jesus? Often, people will claim that Jesus was just a good man, or maybe a great teacher... but not the son of God. It is important to know exactly what Jesus taught about Himself. The answers from this crossword puzzle are from the gospel of John, in the Bible. Do the puzzle and find out who Jesus claimed to be!
2. Ruler of a country. ( _ _ _ _ , John 18:37)
4. Not false, "I am the _ _ _ _ vine." (John 15:1)
6. Jesus said, "I am the _ _ _ _ _ of Life." (John 6:35,41,48)
7. Greek word for Messiah. ( _ _ _ _ _ _ , John 4:25-26)
9. "The _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ lays down His life for the sheep." ( two words, John 10:11)
10. "I am _ _ _ - _ _ _ the truth and the life." (two words, John 14:6)
11. Opposite of death. ( _ _ _ _ , John 11:25)
1. Not a lie. ( _ _ _ _ _ , John 14:6)
3. God is Christ's Father. Therefore, Jesus is _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ . (two words, John 10:36)
5. Given physical life after death. ( _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , John 11:25)
8. It shines bright in darkness. ( _ _ _ _ _ , John 8:12)
9. A place to enter, like a door. ( _ _ _ _ )
To get answers for puzzle= click on the answers LINK on children's main page