AGES 9-15)
Haw dash-mayo z'oo-reen
Uryo z'oo-ro. Sfaq wo l' maw-lotheh.
Moryo mo-rey khool ra-hem
a 'layn.
B'hon-no yawmo e-thee-led.
Malko m'shee-ho. Men bthool-to Maryam.
Moryo mo-rey khool ra-hem
a 'layn.
Bree-khoo th'ha-dee
Lash-mayoney. Of Lar'o-no-yeh.
Moryo mo-rey khool ra-hem
a 'layn.
Halel Halel Halel Wemar.
Akhmo d'hallooy
ro-'a-wotho b'ghaw beth lhem.
Zamar Zamar Zamar Wemar.
Akhmo d'zamrooy ro-'awotho
b'ghaw beth lhem.
Hymn (for
children ages 5-8)
laid down His sweet head.
The stars in the sky
looked down where He lay,
the little Lord Jesus
asleep on the hay.

The Hymn of Mor Ephraim the Syrian
Lord have mercy upon us
Kindly accept our prayers
Grant us mercy, redemption
From Thy treasury above.
Let me Lord, before Thee stand,
Wakeful my watch I'd keep,
Should I fall to slumber's hand,
Guard me from my sinful sleep.
If I do wrong while awake
Mercifully absolve me;
If I err in my sleep
In mercy, grant redemption.
By Thy
of submission
Grant me, Lord, a restful sleep,
Forbid vain and evil dreams
O my Lord, from Thy servant.
Through the night conduct me, Lord,
Peaceful sleep give Thou to me,
Wroth and foul thoughts O Lord
May not govern me at all.
O Lord, Thy servant I am
Guard my body while I sleep
Keep Thy bright angel's guard
O my Lord, by my side.
Christ Thy life-abiding
Holy body that I ate
Keep away from my heart
Evil desires that destroy.
While I sleep in this night
May Thy holy blood guard me
Be Thou always redeemer
For I am Th-ine image.
Thy hand shaped me, O Lord
Shadow me with Thy right hand,
Let Thy mercy be a fortress
Shielding me-all around.
While my body silent lies,
May Thy power keep vigil;
Let my sleep in Thy presence
Be like the rising incense.
Thy mother who did bear Thee
By her prayers for me Lord
Let not evil touch my bed,
While I slumber in this night.
By Thy pleasing sacrifice
That absolved me from my distress
Forbid from me the wicked one
That keeps troubling me.
By Thy kindness O my Lord
Thy promise in me fulfilled
By Thy Holy
O Lord
Protect my life perfect.
Thou who pleased in me
Feeble and sinful servant I am
May I praise Thy mercy,
When I wake up from my sleep.
May Thy servant know Thy will
In Thy true loving kindness
Grant me O Lord Thy mercy
So that I may walk with Thee.
Jesus Christ, O my Lord
Grant to us Thy servants
An evening filled with peace
And a night of graceful sleep.
True light Thou art O Lord
Praise we Thy bright glory
We children of Thy light
Praise Thee for ever more.
O Savior of mankind
Thy servants praise Thy mercy
As we do in this world
May it be in heaven above.
Praise to Thee, O my Lord
Praise to Thee, O my savior
Praise a thousand thousand fold
Praise we Thou O Jesus Christ.
Thou who does receive our prayers
Thou who grants supplications
Heed Thy servants' prayers
Kindly grant our petitions.
Kyrie eleison. Kyrie eleison. Kyrie eleison.