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LESSON 14Click
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Level 1 and 2—(ages 5-9)
The day John the Baptist in the Jordan River baptized Jesus. When Jesus was baptized the Holy Spirit came in shape of a white dove.
Every one of us is baptized when we are babies (that is when we receive the Holy Spirit for the first time and become Christians). The priest puts holy oil on us and we become a member of God’s Holy Family and Church. We also are offered Holy Communion, which is the body of our Lord Jesus Christ. When Jesus was baptized the Holy Spirit came in shape of a white dove.
St. Stephen:
He was the first person to die for Jesus. He believed in Jesus very much and had great faith. He was a strong and brave worker for Jesus Christ. He loved and trusted Jesus’ word.
The Apostles:
Jesus is our best friend and always takes care of us. Jesus chose 12 friends (they were called apostles). Jesus told them to follow Him and they obeyed Him. Here are their names: Peter, Andrew, James, John, Philip, Bartholomew, Matthew, Thomas, James, Simon, Judas, and Judas Iscariot. The apostles learned from Jesus and helped Him in His ministry.
We can become like the Disciples also: (Here’s How)
Come to Church every week
Read the Bible
Listen to your parents
Be kind to your friends
Pray everyday
The Creed:
It is a statement of what we, as Christians believe in. It is based on the Bible and we learn about the Holy Trinity. Holy Trinity means Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. It teaches us that Jesus came into the world to be our Savior. Jesus is the only Son of God. Jesus came down from heaven and took a body like ours by the Holy Spirit. Jesus came to save us from our sins by His death on the cross.
Presentation of Jesus:
There was a very old man who loved God very much. His name is St. Simeon. It was revealed to him by the Holy Spirit that he would not die until he saw our Lord Jesus Christ. When Jesus was presented in the Temple, the old man was led by the Holy Spirit to go to the Temple. When he held baby Jesus in his arms he said the following prayer:
In church there is a procession inside the church where everyone carries candles. When St. Simeon came to the Temple he was carrying two candles in his hands. So on this day our church blesses the candles and they are given to the people as a source of blessing to those who receive them. We need to handle them with care by not playing with them, throwing them or breaking them.
Level 3—(ages 10 AND UP)
We have been learning about the life of our Saints and what they were known for. You may use this page as a study guide and we hope you learn from their great wisdom and faith.
Saint Thomas:
Also called Didymus (“twin” in Greek and Thoma "twin" in Syriac)
One of the twelve disciples
Offered to die with Jesus
Doubted the Resurrection
When he saw the risen Lord St. Thomas said “My Lord and My God”
Feast is celebrated in July
Saint Stephen:
The first Christian Martyr
Was stoned to death
Was full of the Holy Spirit
Feast celebrated in January
Saints Basil and Gregory:
They were brothers and their feast is celebrated in January
Saint Basil was a monk, then Bishop
Visited Saint Ephraim the Syrian
Great speaker (He spoke against the Arians who denied Christ)
Saint Gregory was also a monk then ordained bishop
He assisted at the Ecumenical Council of Constantinople
Saint Nicholas:
Known as Mor Zokhey ("Victor" in Syriac)
Was imprisoned because of his faith
Was a bishop
Attended the Ecumenical Council of Nicea
He cared for the poor and little children
His feast is celebrated in December 06
Saint Jacob:
He uplifted the spirits of the faithful Christian during the time of their persecution
By the Persians
Known as “The Flute of the Holy Spirit”
His feast is celebrated in November
The Three Ecumenical Councils:
1) Nicea (325 A.D.) Defined the divinity of the Son of God
2) Constantinople (381 A.D.) Defined the divinity of the Holy Spirit
3) Ephesus (431 A.D.) Defined Christ as the Incarnate Word of God and Mary as the Mother of God.
Times during the Year we fast:
Nineveh is 3 days
Great Lent (for Easter) is 50 days
Fast of the Apostles is 3 days
Fast of the Virgin Mary is 5 days
Nativity Lent (for Christmas) is 10 days
It is celebrated on December 25
It is the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ
The story is found in the book of Luke
Palm Sunday:
We remember Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem and cries of “Hosanna! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord.” On this day we carry candles and participate in a procession in church as the people did on the first Palm Sunday
Good Friday:
This is the day our Lord was crucified on a cross on Mount Golgotha only to rise 3 days later
Resurrection of the Lord (Easter):
This is the day our Lord rose from the dead. It is three days after He was crucified on the cross. We wash the cross with rose water and raise it upon a stand where it will remain for forty days. The cross is decorated with a red scarf (as it is told in Isaiah 63:1)
Pentecost Sunday:
We remember the coming of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles, fifty days after Easter. In church the bishop or pries sprinkles water on the parishioners symbolizing the coming down of the Holy Spirit. Our tradition states that this took place in the home of St. Mark.
We remember the baptism of Jesus in the Jordan River by St. John the Baptist. The Holy Spirit came down as a white dove and the Father proclaimed: “This is my beloved Son with whom I am well pleased.” (Matthew 3:17)
Sacraments of the Church:
1) Baptism- cleansing of sins and when we become Christians and receive the Holy Spirit for the first time
2) Communion—The body and blood of Jesus Christ
3) Repentance-forgiveness of sins
4) Priesthood—It confers upon the person who receives it the right to administer the Sacraments of Church and fill its offices and guide the faithful into the way of salvation
5) Anointing of the Sick—The sick receive healing of the soul and rest of the body
6) Marriage—the lawful union of a man and woman to help each other in life
7) Chrism (Holy Oil)—It confers upon the anointed gifts of the Holy Spirit, enabling the anointed to stand firm in faith and in power to overcome Satan
Communion is the most important
Baptism, Holy Chrism, and Priesthood may be only taken once.
Baptism, Holy Chrism, Repentance, and Holy Communion are essential for salvation
Fill in the blank.
Romans 8:26
And in like manner the __________________ also helps our infirmity: for we know not how to pray as we ought...
Luke 11:1
And it came to pass, as he was praying in a certain place, that when he ceased, one of his disciples said unto him, Lord, _________________ us to pray, even as John also taught his disciples.
James 5:16
Confess therefore your sins one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be________________.
1 Cor. 14:15
...I will pray with the spirit, and I will pray with the _______________________________ also...
1 Thess. 5:17 ____________ without ceasing
Matt. 5:44
But I say unto you, love your enemies, and pray for them that ______________________ you.
James 5:13
Is any among you _______________________? Let him pray. Is any cheerful? Let him sing praise.
Match the Sayings from the Sermon on the Mount
Judge not
our daily bread.
By their fruits
for they shall see God.
Love your neighbor
is the evil thereof.
Blessed are the pure in heart
there will your heart be also.
Give us this day
that you be not judged.
A city set on a hill
have them do unto you.
Sufficient to the day
you shall know them.
Do unto others as you would
as yourself.
Where your treasure is
cannot be hid.
Jesus Feeds Five Thousand
To Remember: Everyone can help Jesus
Miracle: When God does something man cannot do, like heal of feed many from little food
Lesson - Matt 14:13-21, John 6:1-14
Matt. 14:13-21 13 When Jesus heard of it, He departed thence by ship into a desert place apart: and when the people had heard thereof, they followed him on foot out of the cities. 14 And Jesus went forth, and saw a great multitude, and was moved with compassion toward them, and He healed their sick. 15 And when it was evening, his disciples came to Him, saying, This is a desert place, and the time is now past; send the multitude away, that they may go into the villages, and buy themselves victuals. 16 But Jesus said unto them, They need not depart; give ye them to eat. 17 And they say unto Him, We have here but five loaves, and two fishes. 18 He said, Bring them hither to me. 19 And He commanded the multitude to sit down on the grass, and took the five loaves, and the two fishes, and looking up to heaven, He blessed, and gave the loaves to His disciples, and the disciples to the multitude. 20 And they did all eat, and were filled: and they took up of the fragments that remained twelve baskets full. 21 And they that had eaten were about five thousand men, beside women and children.
Jesus spent the whole day healing people who were sick and performing miracles throughout the crowd. But when it came time to eat, the disciples did not know how they would feed everyone. Jesus feed 5,000 with only a few loaves of bread and fishes.
Jesus had proven that not only could He heal people of their illnesses, He could provide their basic needs, such as food, as well. And to do this, He used what little a young boy could provide. It doesn't matter how much or how little we have, Jesus can use us for His work. We simply must be willing to do what we can for Him
1. Jesus had no use for children. False
2. 5,000 was too many people for Jesus to feed. False
3. The disciples collected 12 baskets of leftover food. True
4. Jesus makes sure we have what we need. True
5. We can help Jesus today, even if we don't have much. True
Discussion: What are some ways we can help Jesus?
1. share with others
2. tell others about Jesus
3. obey our parents
4. study the Bible
5. tell the truth
6. do nice things for others
John 6:48 I am the bread of life.
Matthew 6:34 Be not therefore anxious for the morrow: for the morrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.
To Remember: Jesus is the resurrection and the life
Resurrect: to come to life again after death
John 11:1-44
Lazarus was a good friend of Jesus. His sisters, Mary and Martha, were also devout followers of the Lord. So when Lazarus was ill, they called to Jesus, asking Him to come and heal Lazarus. But Jesus waited. After a couple days, He told the disciples He was going to Bethany. Now Bethany was only two miles from Jerusalem, where there were Jews who wanted to kill Jesus. The disciples felt it was dangerous to go there. But Jesus was not afraid. He knew that God would protect him if He did the Father's will.
When Jesus arrived, Martha met him on the road. She told Jesus Lazarus wouldn't have died if he had come sooner. But she also added that she still believed the Father would do anything Jesus asked of him. Her faith was very strong. Jesus said Lazarus would live again. Martha replied that she knew he would rise again on the last day. Jesus answered, "I am the resurrection and the life. Those who believe in Me, even though they die, will live, and everyone who lives and believes in Me will never die. Do you believe this?" Martha said yes, she believed Jesus was the Messiah.
Then Martha went back and sent Mary to Jesus. She also told Jesus that Lazarus would not have died if he had come sooner. The other Jews gathered around wondered why this great healer didn't heal his good friend. Jesus was greatly upset and asked to be shown where Lazarus lay. He told them to take away the big stone that blocked the tomb. Martha protested that it was so late, the body would be decaying already. But Jesus reminded her of the glory of God. Jesus thanked the Lord for answering his prayer, so that the crowd would believe God sent him. And He cried with a loud voice, "Lazarus, come out!" And he came out of the tomb, still wrapped in the burial cloths.
Discussion: Many people misunderstood why Jesus delayed going to Bethany. They all believed Jesus could heal and didn't know why He would let Lazarus die. There are many today who do not understand why God doesn't heal all their problems. Discuss why Jesus allowed Lazarus to die and why God may allow troubles in our lives today.
For younger kids, talk about how we don't always know where are parents are taking us, but we trust them to take care of us. God is our Father, and although we may not always know ahead of time where He is taking us, we should trust that He will care for us.
Discussion: Mary, Martha and their friends all believed in Jesus' power to heal. They believed that He was the Messiah. But still Jesus wanted to increase their faith. He wanted them to see the full power and glory of God, to give substance to His promises. They said they believed in the resurrection on the final day, but had not yet seen God's power to raise the dead. It was distant to them -- not connected to their current life. Jesus allowed Lazarus to die in order to show God's ultimate power. Discuss how this tragedy turned into a terrific source of faith in their lives. How they could then proclaim to others, "God can raise the dead!"
1. We will all be resurrected one day. T
2. Jesus performed miracles in order to impress people. F
3. Jesus really didn't care about Lazarus. F
4. Mary and Martha believed in Jesus' power to heal. T
5. The disciples always understood why Jesus did things. F
6. We will always understand how God is working in our lives. F