I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice
and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with
him, and he with Me."
Rev. 3: 20
The Departed:
The Syrian Orthodox Church
has designated the first Sunday preceding the start of
the great Lent (Wedding of Cana Sunday) for
commemorating all faithful departed. The churches held
prayers for them, and offer the Holy Divine Liturgy on
their behalf asking God to forgive their
shortcomings. Since the Lord is of living people
“And as for the dead being raised, have
you not read in the book of Moses, in the passage about
the bush, how God said to him, ‘I am the God of Abraham,
and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob’? He is not
God of the dead, but of the living” (Mark 12:26,27). On
this basis the following points are made:
Prayer for the Departed
praying for the living is helpful, so must be for the
dead too, because the spirits of the dead are alive and
with the hand of the living God. Otherwise, if the human
spirit dies, religion becomes meaningless, and because
the spirit of the dead humankind is alive, so St. Paul
prayed for the departed Onesiphorus so that God may
grant him mercy “May the Lord grand mercy to the
household of Onesiphorus, for he often refreshed me….May
the Lord grand him to find mercy from the Lord on that
Day” (2 Tim 1:16-18).
The Church remembers the Departed in the Divine Liturgy
His death on the Cross, our Lord Jesus Christ went to
the world of the dead, and He took the spirits of the
good to Paradise as He promised the thief. For this
reason, the Syrian Orthodox Church mentions her departed
ones in her canonical prayers, and in the Holy
Eucharist, which is capable of granting pardon to the
departed ones. For if the sacrifice on the cross, that
is the death of Jesus on the cross was capable of
granting pardon to the living and the dead, so also must
be the Holy Eucharist which is an extension and
continuation to the sacrifice on the cross, for it
symbolize it.
Can the sin of the departed one be forgiven?
According to John the Apostle, by prayers and oblation
that be offered on their behalf, small sins that are not
worthy of death can be forgiven. This we read in the
Epistle of St. John “If any man sees his brother commit a
sin which is not worthy of death, let him ask and life
will be granted to him, if he has not committed a sin
worthy of death. There is a sin worthy of death; I do
not say that anyone shall pray for it” (I John 5:16).
The sins that are not worthy of death called incomplete
sins, such as: unintentionally committed sins, sins of
desire and passion and sins committed as a result of
Church does not pray for those who have died in their
sin, such for drug smugglers who die in gun fights with
Police or in fights among themselves, and also for
robbers and thieves who are shot dead, those who take
their own lives (commit suicide), and those who denounce
their faith, or heretics. Therefore, if the Church
knows and confirms for sure that somebody died in
suicide, she will not pray upon him. In all other cases
the Church will pray for the departed, and grant them
absolution leaving them to the mercy of God who knows
the innermost.
Church prays for the departed for reasons of mercy. It
is an expression of love towards the dead, and leaves
the rest in the hands of God. For God is the giver of
life, and in His hand is the life of every living thing,
and He alone takes a life, and at a time He decides.
The death is described as:
A sleep.
Deuteronomy 31:16 And the
LORD said unto Moses, Behold, thou shalt sleep with
thy fathers; and this people will rise up, and go a
whoring after the gods of the strangers of the land,
whither they go to be among them, and will
forsake me, and break my covenant which I have made
with them.
John 11:11 These things
said he: and after that he said unto them, Our friend
Lazarus slept; but I go, that I may awake him out of
The earthly
house of this tabernacle being dissolved.
2 Corinthians 5:1 For we
know that if our earthly house of this
tabernacle were dissolved, we have a building of God,
an house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens.
off this tabernacle.
2 Peter 1:14 Knowing that
shortly I must put off this my tabernacle, even
as our Lord Jesus Christ has showed me.
God requiring
the soul.
Luke 12:20 But God said
unto him, Thou fool, this night thy soul shall
be required of thee: then whose shall those things be,
which thou hast provided?
Going the way
whence there is no return.
Job 16:22 When a few years
are come, then I shall go the way whence I
shall not return.
to our people.
Genesis 49:33 And when
Jacob had made an end of commanding his sons, he
gathered up his feet into the bed, and yielded up the
ghost, and was gathered unto his people.
Going down into
Psalms 115:17 The dead
praise not the LORD, neither any that go down into
up the ghost.
Acts 5:10 Then fell she
down straightway at his feet, and yielded up the
ghost: and the young men came in, and found her dead,
and, carrying her forth, buried her by
her husband.
to dust.
Genesis 3:19 In the sweat
of your face shall you eat bread, till you return unto
the ground; for out of it was you taken: for dust you
are, and unto dust shall you return.
Psalms 104:29 Thou hidest
thy face, they are troubled: thou takest away their
breath, they die, and return to their dust.
Being cut
Job 14:2 He cometh forth
like a flower, and is cut down: he fleeth also as a
shadow, and continueth not.
Fleeing as
a shadow.
Job 14:2 He cometh forth
like a flower, and is cut down: he fleeth also as a
shadow, and continueth not.
Philippians 1:23 For I am
in a strait betwixt two, having a desire to depart,
and to be with Christ; which is far better:
The Spiritual death:
Alienation from
God is.
Ephesians 4:18 Having the
understanding darkened, being alienated from the life
of God through the ignorance that is in them, because
of the blindness of their heart:
Carnal-mindedness is.
Romans 8:6 For to be
carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually
minded is life and peace.
Walking in
trespasses and sins is.
Ephesians 2:1 And you
hath he quickened, who were dead in
trespasses and
Colossians 2:13 And you,
being dead in your sins and the uncircumcision of your
flesh, hath he quickened together with him, having
forgiven you all trespasses;
ignorance is.
Isaiah 9:2 The people that
walked in darkness have seen a great light: they that
dwell in the land of the shadow of death, upon them
hath the light shined.
Matthew 4:16 The people
which sat in darkness saw great light; and to them
which sat in the region and shadow of death light is
sprung up.
Luke 1:79 To give light to
them that sit in darkness and in the shadow of
death, to guide our feet into the way of peace.
Ephesians 4:18 Having the
understanding darkened, being alienated from the life
of God through the ignorance that is in them, because
of the blindness of their heart:
Unbelief is.
John 3:36 He that
believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he
that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the
wrath of God abideth on him.
1 John 5:12 He that hath
the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son
of God hath not life.
Living in
pleasure is.
1 Timothy 5:6 But she that
liveth in pleasure is dead while she liveth.
Hypocrisy is.
Revelation 3:1-2 And unto
the angel of the church in Sardis write; These things
saith he that hath the seven Spirits of God, and the
seven stars; I know thy works, that thou hast a name
that thou livest, and art dead. Be watchful, and
strengthen the things which remain, that are ready to
die: for I have not found thy works perfect before
Is a consequence
of the fall.
Romans 5:15 But not as the
offence, so also is the free gift. For if
through the offence of one many be dead, much more the
grace of God, and the gift by grace, which is
by one man, Jesus Christ, hath abounded unto many.
Is the
state of all men by nature.
Romans 6:13 Neither yield
ye your members as instruments of
unrighteousness unto sin: but yield yourselves unto
God, as those that are alive from the dead, and your
members as instruments of righteousness unto
Romans 8:6 For to be
carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually
minded is life and peace.
The fruits of,
are dead works.
Hebrews 6:1 Therefore
leaving the principles of the doctrine of Christ, let
us go on unto perfection; not laying again the
foundation of repentance from dead works, and of faith
toward God,
Hebrews 9:14 How much more
shall the blood of Christ, who through the eternal
Spirit offered himself without spot to God, purge your
conscience from dead works to serve the living God?
A call to arise
Ephesians 5:14 Wherefore
he saith, Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the
dead, and Christ shall give thee light.
Deliverance from, is through
John 5:24-25 Verily,
verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and
believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life,
and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed
from death unto life. Verily, verily, I say unto you,
The hour is coming, and now is, when the dead shall
hear the voice of the Son of God: and they that hear
shall live.
Saints are
raised from.
Romans 6:13 Neither yield
ye your members as instruments of
unrighteousness unto sin: but yield yourselves unto
God, as those that are alive from the dead, and your
members as instruments of righteousness unto
Love of the
brethren, a proof of being raised from.
1 John 3:14 We know that
we have passed from death unto life, because we love
the brethren. He that loveth not his brother
abideth in death.
Ezekiel 37:2-3 And caused
me to pass by them round about: and, behold, there
were very many in the open valley; and, lo,
they were very dry. And he said unto me, Son of
man, can these bones live? And I answered, O Lord GOD,
thou knowest.
Biblical Perspective
By Very. Rev. Dr. Kuriakose Chorepiscopa Moolayil
Why we
remember the departed in our Prayers?
In the Christian tradition we remember the faithful
departed in our liturgy, prayers, and on feast days. One
Sunday is set apart to remember all our faithful departed.
This Sunday is known in the Church Calendar as the Aaneede.
We are to remember our parents, brethren and other beloved
in our prayers and Holy Eucharist. What is the basic
concept of the prayer for the departed? When we look into
the text and content of all our prayers we can identify
the following facts:
1. Prayer for the departed is based on the faith and
conviction that we get from the model of our Lord Jesus
Christ. Before the pre-Christian period there were no
conclusive notions of where the souls of the faithful go
after the bodily death. They believed that after bodily
separation the soul ‘go to the fathers in peace’. It is
the way of speaking about death during those times. This
phrase may include the promise of life after death. (Gen.
25:8, 35:29, 49:33, 1Sam.12:33).
2. Gen. 25:8 says, Abraham was ’gathered to his people’.
This refers to the ‘burial’ and it also indicates to the
life after death. About the burial of Moses Deut. 34:6
says that He (Lord) buried him, but ‘no one knows his
grave’. Here we are told about Lord himself burying his
beloved. Enoch is said to be with God and Elijah was taken
to His presence.
3. Generally speaking, the Old Testament fathers, saints
and prophets had the assurance about heavenly bliss. In
this line the faithful had a hope for the life after death
but this was not an assurance like those who are living in
the New Testament times.
Examples of the New Testament Assurances of Life
after Death
Jesus Christ gave a new insight when He taught ‘everyone
who believes in Him may have everlasting life.’ John
In Luke 9: 30 we see Moses and Elijah talking to our Lord
about “which He was about to accomplish in Jerusalem”.
Again in Luke 23:43 Jesus said “assuredly, I say to you,
today you will be with Me in Paradise”.
In Matthew 22:30 our Lord says, “in resurrection, they are
like the Angels of God in heaven.” And in verse 32 it is
said, “God is the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, not the
God of the dead, but of the living.”
St. Paul confirms Cephas ‘seeing Him after He rose again
on the third day according to the scriptures’ and Paul
himself witnessed Him .He mentions about the twelve and
other one hundred men seeing Him rose. 1Cor.15:4-6. St.
Paul confirms in 1 Thes. 4:14 “For, if we believe that
Jesus died and rose again, even so Him those who sleep in
Rev.7:9-17 gives another vivid picture of the state of the
departed. A multitude of all nations who are washed in the
blood of the lamb serve him day and night holding palm
branches and wearing white robes. They are singing praises
to our Lord and shall neither hunger nor thirst.
What are we to understand from the above New
Testament facts?
1. Our Lord is explaining the relation between the belief
and the life eternal in the above quote from John. Adam
and Eve were created without the taste of death till they
were in fellowship with God. They were not even having a
thought of the mortality of the creation. They had very
fixed and unwavering faith and belief in God. When this
belief in God was shattered by the Satanic influences
their quality of life changed from immortality to
mortality or they had to face the taste of death. Here it
is very explicit that the death is the death of the
spiritual relations and companionship with God. They were
expelled from this God fellowship or Paradise. Paradise is
the place of harmony and solace. Human beings lost this
state and fell into death because of the lack of faith and
belief in God’s guidance.
2. Jesus is promising here to go back to the state of
belief and confidence in God and to enjoy the everlasting
life. Jesus himself shows us the way to go back to the old
state of immortality by believing in Him (GOD) who sent
His son to us. He showed us a way of perfect obedience to
God and opened us the path to eternal life. He himself
became very human, believed in Him (God the Father),
suffered a lot, died, buried and rose again to show that
life continues even after bodily death. He showed the
communion of the dead with the living by showing himself
to the believing and faithful company of the disciples.
Thus Jesus says that the believing faithful shall enjoy
everlasting life or there is life after death.
3. The quote above from Luke 9 is the incident of the
transfiguration of our Lord. There the situation is
important because of the presence of two Old Testament
figures. Moses was there who was dead and was buried.
Elijah was taken to heaven. We don’t know the corporeal
changes, if any, that might have happened to the earthly
body of Elijah. We must leave that to the providence of
God. But with the New Testament understanding, we can
assume that there must have been ‘a change’ as St. Paul
says in 1Cor.15:52, ‘the corruptible put on incorruption’.
Both Moses and Elijah were representatives of mortal
humans who were dead in body and were taken to God’s
presence, centuries before the birth of Christ. The
subject matter of the discussion there is also very
important to our theme. They were talking about ‘the
things to happen in Jerusalem’. Moses and Elijah discussed
with our Lord about the redemptive acts. See the
privileges of the departed saints who stay in the presence
of our Lord! Not only the faithful departed are with our
Lord but are also privileged to discourse with HIM.
4. The Promise that was given to the believed thief is a
pointer to the mercy and love that our Lord shows to the
true penitent and the confessor. Here the confessed thief
was promised the entry to paradise just at the time of his
death. His belief was rewarded at the eleventh hour. The
thief who confessed is the representative of all the human
beings who are sinful by nature but at the same time has
the opportunity to believe in the pardoning love of God
and the open willingness to accept Jesus as the Savior.
Any human being who is willing to confess with a contrite
heart and is willing to confess the faith in Lord Jesus
Christ will be rewarded this fellowship with Lord in
Paradise after his/her death. The promise here is, ‘today
you will be with Me in Paradise. The word today used here
is the reference to eternity. The eternity with God is an
unending today. This also refers to the fact that the
faithful soul is taken to paradise immediately after
his/her bodily separation. The state of the souls of
Moses, Elijah and the thief points to this fact that they
are with Christ, the Lord in Paradise. This is the
greatest promise that a Christian can wish for and
5. The Matthew verse, 22:30 quoted above shows that the
departed are like angels in heaven. The Angels are seen
always in the presence of the Almighty. This also confirms
the state of the departed. Again it is said that ‘God is
the God of Abraham, Isaac and of Jacob, the God of the
living’ (Matt.22:32). Here it is shown that the OT
Patriarchs are the living Fathers, they are not dead even
after their bodily separation. Anyone following them in
their paths of belief and trusts in God shall also inherit
this blessing.
6. The resurrection of the dead is the basic faith of
Christianity. The life after death is the assurance of the
Lord. Jesus himself is the model and assurance. By the
death and resurrection of Jesus the shadows of the promise
about ‘the life after death’ in the Old Testament times is
made a clear reality. The resurrection of Jesus is the
experience and the witness of the New Testament church.
St. Paul himself witness to this by sharing Peter’s
experience as well as his own along with the twelve. He
continues the assurance that, “those who sleep in Jesus”
shall also be raised by God.
Finally, Revelation 7:9-19 vividly clarifies that those
who were baptized in the blood of Jesus are incessantly
raising praises and glories to the Lord. The life with the
Lord in Paradise is the bliss shared with the fellowship
of the Church invisible.
Praying for the Departed
Why do we pray for the dead? Prayer is basically a
dedication and communion with God. We pray in the
fellowship of love. Prayer is also the expression of our
faith and belief. It is an occasion to remember with
thanks those who are indebted to us in spirit and body. We
continue our prayers till the bond of love to them is
strong within us. We are praying for the dead loved ones
with the full hope that they are in Paradise and that they
are in fellowship with our Lord. Prayer is also the
communion of saints: the living and those in Paradise.
Holy Eucharist is the ultimate expression of our faith,
belief, fellowship, communion and the real enactment of
the incarnation and redemptive work of our Lord.
Remembering our departed in the Holy Eucharist makes us
and them part of this supreme sacrament.
