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ܡܕܡ ܡܨܐ ܐܢܐ ܚܝܠܐ ܒܡܫܝܚܐ ܕܡܚܝܠ ܠܝ |
Patriarchs of Antioch
1 |
St. Peter the Apostle |
37-67 |
2 |
St. Evodius |
67-68 |
3 |
St. Ignatius I Nurono (the Illuminator) |
68-107 |
4 |
St. Heron |
107-127 |
5 |
St. Cornelius |
127-154 |
6 |
St. Heros |
154-169 |
7 |
169-182 |
8 |
St. Maximos I |
182-191 |
9 |
191-211 |
10 |
St. Ascelpiadis the Confessor |
211-220 |
11 |
Philitus |
220-231 |
12 |
Zbina |
231-237 |
13 |
St. Babylas the Martyr |
237-251 |
14 |
Fabius |
251-254 |
15 |
S. Demetrianos |
254-260 |
16 |
260-268 d 272 |
17 |
Domnus I |
268-273 |
18 |
Timaeus |
273-282 |
19 |
Cyril I |
283-303 |
20 |
Tyrannos |
304-314 |
21 |
Vitalis |
314-320 |
22 |
St. Philogonus |
320-323 |
23 |
Paulinos of Tyre |
323-324 |
24 |
324-337 |
The Arians took control of the See of Antioch and appointed the following Patriarchs: |
Eulalius |
331-333 |
Euphornius |
333-334 |
Philaclus |
334-342 |
Stephanos |
342-344 |
Leontius |
344-357 |
Eudoxius |
358-359 |
Euzoios |
360 |
25 |
360-381 |
26 |
381-404 |
27 |
Porphyros |
404-412 |
28 |
412-417 |
29 |
Theodotos |
417-428 |
30 |
John I |
428-442 |
31 |
442-449 |
32 |
449-455 |
Maximos abdicated and the Chalcedonians seized control over the See of Antioch and appointed the following Patriarchs: |
Basil |
456-458 |
Acacius (Oqoq, Aqaq) |
458-461 |
Martyrius |
461-468 |
33 |
Peter II (Qassar) |
468-488 |
(Exiled by Chalcedonian at 471) The Chalcedonians took control of the See of Antioch from 471 till 482. , |
Julian (Chalcedonian) |
John II (Orthodox) because of the main legal patriarch is still alive, cannot be account him as a legal patriarch |
476-478 |
Stephanus II (Chalcedonian) |
Callandion (Chalcedonian) |
481-482 |
Peter II the Fuller (Qassar) “came back from his exile to the See” |
482-488 |
34 |
Palladius |
488-498 |
35 |
498-512 |
36 |
512-538 |
The Chalcedonians took control of the See of Antioch in 518 and Mor Severus forced to leave the See of Antioch and flee to Egypt, and appointed the following Patriarchs whose line continues in the Byzantine (Rum/Antiochene Orthodox) Patriarchate: |
Paul the Jew |
518-521 |
Euphrosius |
521-528 |
Ephrem of Amid |
528-546 |
From 538 till 544 the death year of Mor Severius, because of persecution the See of Antioch was vacant. In 544, Jacob Baradaeus consecrated Sergius of Tella as Patriarch) |
37 |
Sargius of Tella |
544-546 |
During this turbulent time, the Holy See remained vacant for 4 years. |
38 |
550-575 |
He was deposed in 575 for joining the Chalcedonians. The Holy See remained vacant for the next few years. |
39 |
581-591 |
40 |
591-595 |
41 |
595-631 |
42 |
631-648 |
43 |
Theodore |
649-667 |
44 |
Severius II bar Masqeh |
667-681 |
45 |
683-686 |
46 |
Julian II |
686-708 |
47 |
709-723 |
48 |
Athanasius III |
724-740 |
49 |
740-754 |
After the death of Iwanis, two Patriarchs were appointed at the behest of the Caliph: |
Iwannis Isaac |
754-? |
Athanasius al-Sandali |
?-758 |
50 |
758-790 |
51 |
Joseph |
790-792 |
52 |
793-817 |
53 |
817-845 |
54 |
846-873 |
The See was vacant from 873 till 878 |
55 |
878-883 |
56 |
887-896 |
57 |
Dionysius II |
897-909 |
58 |
John IV Qurzahli |
910-922 |
59 |
Baselius I |
923-935 |
60 |
John V |
936-953 |
61 |
Iwanis II |
954-957 |
62 |
Dionysius III |
958-961 |
63 |
Abraham I |
962-963 |
64 |
John VI Srighta |
965-985 |
65 |
986-1002 |
66 |
John VII bar `Abdun |
1004-1033 |
67 |
Dionysius IV Yahya |
1034-1044 |
Due to internal conflicts within the Church, the Holy See was vacant for the next few years. |
68 |
John VIII |
1049-1057 |
69 |
Athanasius V |
1058 -1063 |
70 |
1063-1073 |
71 |
Baselius II |
1074-1075 |
After the death of Baselius, John Abdun got himself appointed Patriarch and caused trouble in the Church. He was deposed but continued causing trouble until 1091. |
72 |
Dionysius V Lazaros |
1077-1078 |
73 |
Iwanis III |
1080-1082 |
74 |
Dionysius VI |
1088-1090 |
75 |
1091-1129 |
76 |
John X bar Mawdyono |
1129-1137 |
77 |
Athanasius VII bar Qutreh |
1138-1166 |
78 |
1166-1199 |
79 |
Athanasius VIII |
1200-1207 |
80 |
1208-1220 |
81 |
Ignatius III David |
1222-1252 |
82 |
1252-1263 |
83 |
Ignatius IV Yeshu |
1264-1282 |
84 |
Philoxenos I Nemrud |
1283-1292 |
85 |
Michael II |
1292-1312 |
86 |
Michael III Yeshu |
1312-1349 |
87 |
Baselius III Gabriel |
1349-1387 |
88 |
Philoxenos II the Writer |
1387-1421 |
89 |
Baselius IV Shem`un of Beth Man’em |
1421-1444 |
90 |
1445-1454 |
91 |
Ignatius Khalaf |
1455-1483 |
92 |
Ignatius John XIII (Mardin) |
1483-1493 |
93 |
Ignatius Nuh of Lebanon (Ba Qufi) |
1493-1509 |
94 |
Ignatius Yeshu I (Qilleth) |
1509-1512 |
95 |
Ignatius Jacob I (Sawro) * |
1512-1517 |
96 |
Ignatius David I (Ma’dan) |
1517-1520 |
97 |
Ignatius Abdullah I Stephan (Qal’at Mara) |
1520-1557 |
98 |
Ignatius Ni`met Allah I (Mardin) |
1557-1576 |
99 |
Ignatius David II Shah (Mardin) |
1576-1591 |
100 |
Ignatius Pilate I (Mansuriyeh) |
1591-1597 |
101 |
Ignatius Hadayat Allah (Mardin) |
1597-1639 |
102 |
Ignatius Shem’un I (Turabdin) |
1640-1659 |
103 |
Ignatius Yeshu II Qamsheh (Amid-Diyar Bakir) |
1659-1662 |
104 |
Ignatius Abdul Masih I (Urhoy-Edessa) |
1662-1686 |
105 |
Ignatius George II (Mosul) |
1687-1708 |
106 |
Ignatius Isaac ‘Azar (Mosul) |
1709-1722 |
107 |
Ignatius Shukr Allah (Mardin) |
1722-1745 |
108 |
Ignatius George III (Urhoy-Edessa) |
1745-1768 |
109 |
Ignatius George IV (Mosul) |
1768-1781 |
110 |
Ignatius Matthew (Mardin) |
1782-1817 |
111 |
Ignatius Yunan (Mosul) |
1817-1818 |
112 |
Ignatius George V (Aleppo) |
1819-1837 |
113 |
Ignatius Elias II (Mosul) |
1838-1847 |
114 |
Ignatius Jacob II (Qal’at Mara) |
1847-1871 |
115 |
Ignatius Peter IV (Mosul) |
1872-1894 |
116 |
Ignatius Abdul Masih II (Qal’at Mara) |
1895-1905 |
Abdul Masih was deposed in 1905. |
117 |
Ignatius Abdeh d-Aloho II (Sadad) |
1906-1915 |
118 |
Ignatius Elias III (Mardin) |
1917-1932 |
119 |
Ignatius Afram I Barsoum (Mosul) |
1933-1957 |
120 |
Ignatius Jacob III (Bartelleh) |
1957-1980 |
121 |
Ignatius Zakka I Iwas (Mosul) |
1980-2014 |
122 |
Ignatius Ephram II Karim |
2014- |
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