Syriac Orthodox Church of Antioch + Archdiocese of the Western US  


Let us Pray

Supplication To The Holy Spirit

O You Divine Comforter, Spirit of Truth; O treasure-house of goodness, and fountain of life;  You who do apportion gifts and give divine favors, come dwell in us, and cleanse us thoroughly from all defilement. O Lord, create in us a clean heart, and renew within us a right spirit, even the spirit of temperance and purity, the spirit of piety and holiness, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of deliberation and strength, and the spirit of knowledge and the fear of You, O God.  Be with us and among us, guiding, aiding, strengthening and comforting us. O Holy, Merciful and Good Spirit, grant me a fountain of tears that with them I may wash my heart clean of its defilement so that it pleases You to dwell in it.  Ignite in it the fire of Your divine love, and refresh and revive in me the spirit of good work, that I may live in You forever and ever. Amen.













The source:

The Spiritual Treasure on Canonical Prayer, By: Mor Ignatius Ephrem Barsoum

Copyright © 2005 Archdiocese of the Western US.



Prayer To The Eternal Father
Prayer To The Lord Christ
Prayer To The Holy Spirit
Miscellaneous Prayers
Supplication Before Prayer
Meditation Upon Christ’s Passion
Prayer By Mor Ephraim (1)
Prayer By Mor Ephraim (2)
Prayer By Mor Ephraim (3)
Prayer By St. John The Chrysostom
Private Prayer For Repentance
Prayer By Mor Philoxinus of Mabugh
Miscellaneous Short Prayers
1. Awakening
2. Morning
3. Evening
4. On retiring
5. Before work
6. Before study
7. Before reading
    Holy Gospel
Prayer at the Dining Table
Prayer for Confession

Prayer for Communion

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