Syriac Orthodox Church of Antioch + Archdiocese of the Western US  


Let us Pray

A Prayer Of Meditation Upon Christ’s Passion.

O my Lord Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of God,  O Incarnate God, Who prayed in agony and Your sweat fell down to the ground like drops of blood, do make my prayer to join with Yours and offer them to Your Eternal Father, that it may please Him and thus it may obtain mercy.  O You Whom the crucifiers seized in the Garden and tied,  bind my heart to Your love.  You Who were made to stand before Ananias, Caiaphas and Pilate, make me worthy to stand before Your dreadful throne with a white face.  You Who were stripped of Your garments and cruelly scourged, strip from me the deeds of sin and save me from the scourging of hell which I deserve because of my sins.  You Who were crowned with a crown of thorns, and Your blessed head was pierced with sharp thorns, implant Your divine love in my heart.  You Who were made to wear the cloak of shame and ignominy, let not Satan, the world, and the flesh put me likewise to shame, O Lord.  You who in the third hour were judged to die, deliver me from the death that is determined for me because of my sin. You Who did bear Your Cross, make me worthy to bear Your light and pleasant yoke and follow the traces of Your footsteps.  You Who in the sixth hour were nailed to the tree, fix Your sweet love in my heart, and Your fear in my flesh.  You who at the ninth hour did die in the body and did give life to the dead, resurrect me from the death of sin.  O You Who did go down into Hades (Sheol) and  did save the souls who were lying in wait for You, lift me up from the pit of bad deeds and save my soul that yearns for You more than the hare does for water brooks.  Strengthen me that I may say a prayer that well pleases You, Your Father,  and Your Spirit, and brings me forgiveness and atonement. Amen.
























The source:

The Spiritual Treasure on Canonical Prayer, By: Mor Ignatius Ephrem Barsoum

Copyright © 2005 Archdiocese of the Western US.



Prayer To The Eternal Father
Prayer To The Lord Christ
Prayer To The Holy Spirit
Miscellaneous Prayers
Supplication Before Prayer
Meditation Upon Christ’s Passion
Prayer By Mor Ephraim (1)
Prayer By Mor Ephraim (2)
Prayer By Mor Ephraim (3)
Prayer By St. John The Chrysostom
Private Prayer For Repentance
Prayer By Mor Philoxinus of Mabugh
Miscellaneous Short Prayers
1. Awakening
2. Morning
3. Evening
4. On retiring
5. Before work
6. Before study
7. Before reading
    Holy Gospel
Prayer at the Dining Table
Prayer for Confession

Prayer for Communion



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