Syriac Orthodox Church of Antioch + Archdiocese of the Western US  


Let us Pray

A Prayer By Mor Philoxinus Of Mabugh

O God, to You do I look for help, and with You do I take refuge, You who did create the heavens by Your will,  O You who are Omnipotent; O You who do forgive, O You who are the end of all my hopes and aspirations, the object of all my worship, the consolation in all my loneliness.  You are He to whom I ever turn in prayer.  I ask You to have mercy upon me. Make the beginning of this my day godly, and its end crowned with success.  Lower Your curtain above me, and free my tongue in Your praise.  Be good unto me, O Lord, and grant me health.  Will You not answer me, O Lord of Lords, You who when called upon do ever respond?  I lift up my prayer to You, O Lord; do accept it and give out to me of Your goodness abundantly and grant me sustenance plentifully.

          Glory be to You, O Lord, Who knows all mysteries, and Who showers His goodness upon the righteous and the evil alike.  You answer prayers, wipe off tears, shower blessings and satisfy our needs.  Glory be to You, He Whom the moon does praise with its light. Glory be to You, He Whom even the darkness of night does sanctify. Glory to Him Whose own creation magnifies Him. Glory be to Him Who alone is exalted and Whose name alone is holy. Glory be to Him who reserves all praise for Himself alone. Glory be to Him Who erected heavens without pillars. Glory be to Him who clothed Himself with majesty and splendid light. Glory be to Him Who alone is One and has no partner; and thus there is no God except Him. Glory be to Him Who sits on the throne and no eye has seen Him. Glory be to Him, Whom no tongue can describe His infinity. Glory be to Him Who made Heaven a dwelling place for those who pleased Him. Glory be to Him Who made the fire to be the penalty of those who disobeyed Him. Glory be to Him Who showed mercy on our father Jacob when he wept. Glory be to Him who showed mercy on Joseph in his distress and consoled him. Glory be to Him Who raised Elijah to a high place and made him a chosen one. Glory be to Him Who spoke with Moses on the mountain top and honored him. Glory be to Him who answered Jonah while in the whale’s belly and caused him to live. Glory be to Him Who showed mercy on Isaac and redeemed him from the slaying. Glory be to Him Who forgave David when he disobeyed Him. Glory be to Him Who praised the patience of Job and relieved him of his grief after all his afflictions. Glory be to Him Whom the heavens praise. Glory be to Him Whom the Angels praise in their ranks. Glory be to Him Whom the sun praises with its light. Glory be to Him Whom the stars glorify in their great number. Glory be to Him Whom the winds praise whithersoever they blow. Glory be to Him Whom the clouds adore in their courses. Glory be to Him Whom the thunderbolts praise in their descent. Glory be to Him Whom the thunders and lightening glorify. Glory be to Him Whom the mountains praise with all that is on them. Glory be to Him Whom the seas praise in their billows. Glory be to Him Whom the birds praise in their nests. Glory be to Him Whom the wild beasts magnify in their many kinds. Glory be to Him Whom the trees and all plants praise in their flowers and fruits. Glory be to Him Whom flowers and roses adorn with their fragrance and sweet aroma. Glory be to Him Whom rivers and springs praise in their streams. Glory be to Him Whom all creation magnify night and day. Glory be to Him Whom both earth and heaven adore.

O God, You created me to worship You.  You taught me Your holy name and instructed me to call unto You.  By Your mercy, compassion, goodness, and infinite loving kindness, I ask You that You remove from me every grief and distress, and remember not the sins of my youth.  To You, O God, is my desire; reject not my request and disappoint me not. Rather, make all my days pleasing unto You, and in Your obedience, O most merciful One.  You Who do receive the penitent, accept my repentance be it  prompt or slow.  Help me and my parents to attain repentance after which no wrath will come upon us ever.  Have unlimited mercy upon them and upon me. Have mercy likewise upon all martyrs and Saints. Amen.






The source:

The Spiritual Treasure on Canonical Prayer, By: Mor Ignatius Ephrem Barsoum


Copyright © 2005 Archdiocese of the Western US.



Prayer To The Eternal Father
Prayer To The Lord Christ
Prayer To The Holy Spirit
Miscellaneous Prayers
Supplication Before Prayer
Meditation Upon Christ’s Passion
Prayer By Mor Ephraim (1)
Prayer By Mor Ephraim (2)
Prayer By Mor Ephraim (3)
Prayer By St. John The Chrysostom
Private Prayer For Repentance
Prayer By Mor Philoxinus of Mabugh
Miscellaneous Short Prayers
1. Awakening
2. Morning
3. Evening
4. On retiring
5. Before work
6. Before study
7. Before reading
    Holy Gospel
Prayer at the Dining Table
Prayer for Confession

Prayer for Communion




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