Syriac Orthodox Church of Antioch + Archdiocese of the Western US  


Let us Pray

Prayer To The Eternal Father

Heavenly Father, answer us, for we have no other father that can help us.  In Your goodness You did create us from naught.  Cause us not to perish by Your wrath.  Rather, teach us Your precepts that we may please You in deeds of righteousness.

O God, O Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, we ask You in His Holy, blessed and glorious name, to take our minds from earthly concerns and worldly lusts, to perseverance in Your Divine precepts and observance of Your Godly commands.  O Lord, make perfect Your grace within us, and strengthen us that we may walk in the spirit of our calling.  Come to our aid against Satan and his hosts, O Lord, and illuminate our hearts with the light of Your Only-Begotten Son.  O God, I pour out before You my petitions and my supplications, seeking Your forgiveness, beseeching You to hear my voice and forget me not. O Lord, send out Your light and truth to guide me to You.  Give me a portion in the land of the living.

          Lo, I am calling unto You out of my grief, O Lord, and lifting up my voice from the pit of my iniquities.  May my supplications reach unto Your temple of holiness.  O Lord, refuge of all Your servants,  I  take refuge with You.  Do shield me and keep me away from weariness, sloth and boredom.  Awaken me from the slumber of my heedlessness and forgive all my trespasses.

          O Lord, do not judge us according to our evil deeds.  Take from us and the whole world costliness, pestilence, deception of wicked men and oppression of Devils.   Grant us a peaceful life and pure behavior, and make us worthy to stand in the ranks of Your Saints.  We ask this in the holy name of Your Beloved Son.  O most Merciful Father have mercy upon us. Amen.







The source:

The Spiritual Treasure on Canonical Prayer, By: Mor Ignatius Ephrem Barsoum

Copyright © 2005 Archdiocese of the Western US.



Prayer To The Eternal Father
Prayer To The Lord Christ
Prayer To The Holy Spirit
Miscellaneous Prayers
Supplication Before Prayer
Meditation Upon Christ’s Passion
Prayer By Mor Ephraim (1)
Prayer By Mor Ephraim (2)
Prayer By Mor Ephraim (3)
Prayer By St. John The Chrysostom
Private Prayer For Repentance
Prayer By Mor Philoxinus of Mabugh
Miscellaneous Short Prayers
1. Awakening
2. Morning
3. Evening
4. On retiring
5. Before work
6. Before study
7. Before reading
    Holy Gospel
Prayer at the Dining Table
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