Syriac Orthodox Church of Antioch + Archdiocese of the Western US  


Let us Pray

A Prayer By Mor Ephraim (1)

O most Holy Lord, a sorrowful soul has come before You to beseech You with tears and sighs seeking refuge with You against the Evil Enemy.  Do You hasten to answer him, for if You should turn away from him, he will perish with grief, and if You should defer, O Lord, he would die of heartbreak. Call upon him by Your grace, for Your Apostle Paul called him “Your Betrothed”

O my God, I know that my corrupt nature is prone to provoke Your anger even though You have been kind to me, and I know that Your unlimited leniency is bearing with me because of Your fatherly compassion,  for a compassionate mother turns not away from her child no matter how much he disobeys her. And if water springs flow unceasingly for all that draw near them, how much more the eye of Your divine mercy shall overflow without limit or measure upon all.  Do give me then to drink of Your mercy, O You Who do rejoice at the tears of those who repent.  Will You not heal me of all my diseases in Your bounteous wisdom?

          O Divine Lamb, Who were slain for the salvation of the world, do cleanse me by Your atoning blood. O Lord, I fall and become sick continually and Your grace heals me without lassitude giving me a priceless cure. Here I am now crying to You beseeching You to shield me from the evil of my accursed enemy.  Glory be to You, O Lord, how mighty and yet compassionate with Your servants You are.  Praise be to You for ever and ever. Amen.


















The source:

The Spiritual Treasure on Canonical Prayer, By: Mor Ignatius Ephrem Barsoum


Copyright © 2005 Archdiocese of the Western US.



Prayer To The Eternal Father
Prayer To The Lord Christ
Prayer To The Holy Spirit
Miscellaneous Prayers
Supplication Before Prayer
Meditation Upon Christ’s Passion
Prayer By Mor Ephraim (1)
Prayer By Mor Ephraim (2)
Prayer By Mor Ephraim (3)
Prayer By St. John The Chrysostom
Private Prayer For Repentance
Prayer By Mor Philoxinus of Mabugh
Miscellaneous Short Prayers
1. Awakening
2. Morning
3. Evening
4. On retiring
5. Before work
6. Before study
7. Before reading
    Holy Gospel
Prayer at the Dining Table
Prayer for Confession

Prayer for Communion

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