Syriac Orthodox Church of Antioch + Archdiocese of the Western US  


Let us Pray


Prayer Upon Awakening

A Christian, on awakening in the morning, should first draw the sign of the Cross on himself, and say:

“O Lord Who sleeps not, awaken me from the sleep of sin that I may praise You.  O Living One, who knows not death, raise me from the slumber of death to thank You in Your compassion, and Make me worthy to praise You and glorify You together with Your  righteous worshippers, Father, Son and Holy spirit, magnified are You for ever. Amen.

Morning Prayer By Anton Of Takrit

O our Lord, grant us that this day we may have good companionship, tidings of peace, pure thoughts and pleasing works that are free from worldly matters.  Grant us to be chaste in thoughts, holy in utterance, and just in our judgments. O Lord, grant us a healthy body, sufficient bread, enlightened mind, and a keen understanding.  Deliver us, O Lord, from evil desires, the Evil One, and from all oppressors and rebellious ones.  Sanctify us in Your love and fear, both in word and in deed, so that we may become sons of light.  Amen.

Evening Prayer By Anton Of Takrit

I, the greatest sinner of Your servants, beseech You, O my Lord; do save me from crooked paths, and keep me away from the darkness of Devils who are grieved by light.  Grant me to depict in my mind the evening of my life, and protect my self against perdition of ignorance and sin.  Likewise, grant me O Lord to contemplate, in the evening, the end of the world rebuking myself for all its transgressions; so that when all evil desires have departed from me, I may be worthy to dwell in the land of luminous life and there join all Saints in praising You, Most Holy Trinity. Amen.

Prayer On Retiring

O Lord who never sleeps, into Your hands I entrust my spirit this night.  Do keep me from all injuries of the adversaries, seen and unseen.  Send me the Angel of peace and safety to guard me against the terrors of the night and all its fears.  Keep away from me all vain dreams, all evil imaginings and fearful thoughts.  Let Your glorious light shine in my mind while nature’s darkness overshadows. Make me worthy that, in the dark of the night, I be worthy to praise You with the company of Your Angels who never cease praising You forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer Before Work

Bless me, O Lord, and bless my work and my undertakings this day and couple them with success and prosperity. Make them lie within the sphere of your content and the glory of Your most holy name. Out of Your abundant sea of bounty bless me in accordance with my need with good and lawful sustenance.  You are the most generous giver who causes His sun to shine upon the evil and the good. Amen.

 Prayer Before Study

O Lord, fountain of truth and source of wisdom, illuminate the darkness of my mind with some of Your light rays, keeping away from me the dense gloom of ignorance and sin.  Give me an adequate portion of Knowledge and discipline.  Grant me quickness in understanding, sharpness of mind and eloquence of tongue,  O Lord of knowledge and the learned Who grants the wise their understanding.  To You be thanksgiving forever.  Amen.

 Prayer Before Reading The Holy Gospel By Mor Philoxinus

O Lord, grant me knowledge that I may understand the salvivic words of Your Son the Christ.  Remove from the face of my mind the veil of all evil desires.  Cause Your holy light to shine into my heart, that with the eye of my soul I may discern  the mysteries of the Holy Gospel.  Teach me, O Lord, the truth of faith in You and observance of Your commandments,  that I may bring forth fruit well pleasing to You, gaining the talent that will please Your blessed will.  Amen.





The source:

The Spiritual Treasure on Canonical Prayer, By: Mor Ignatius Ephrem Barsoum


Copyright © 2005 Archdiocese of the Western US.



Prayer To The Eternal Father
Prayer To The Lord Christ
Prayer To The Holy Spirit
Miscellaneous Prayers
Supplication Before Prayer
Meditation Upon Christ’s Passion
Prayer By Mor Ephraim (1)
Prayer By Mor Ephraim (2)
Prayer By Mor Ephraim (3)
Prayer By St. John The Chrysostom
Private Prayer For Repentance
Prayer By Mor Philoxinus of Mabugh
1. Awakening
2. Morning
3. Evening
4. On retiring
5. Before work
6. Before study
7. Before reading
    Holy Gospel
Prayer at the Dining Table
Prayer for Confession

Prayer for Communion













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