Syriac Orthodox Church of Antioch + Archdiocese of the Western US  


Let us Pray

A Private Prayer For Repentance

O Only Begotten Son of God, I am looking to the abundance of Your goodness.  My sins have multiplied, and my transgressions have increased immensely. Cleans me with the tears of my eyes lest my enemies would ridicule me.  Let the Angels rejoice over one sinner that repents to You.

          O God, I am sick and know not where to turn for healing.  I went to the physicians and they exhausted on me all their medicines.  But, my sickness grew worse, and there is none to cure.  I have heard, O Good Physician, that Your remedies are plenty, and all that approach You are made whole.  Therefore, like the sinful woman I have come to You with tears.  So, do  You heal and forgive me.

          When I pondered my blemishes I was ashamed to call upon You.  Yet, the publican, the thief, the sinful woman, the Canaanite women, the woman of Samaria and all other transgressors have encouraged me to approach You.  To You, thus, have I come asking for forgiveness.

O my God, it hurts me that I am a sinner, and that You shall judge me, You Who favor no one.  On account of this, put me not to shame on the dreadful day of Judgment.  Rather, have mercy upon me, even though I am not worthy of forgiveness. For in You have I believed, in Your name have I been baptized,  You have I loved, Your living Cross I adored, and with Your most Holy Body and Blood have I been sanctified.

          O just Lord of Lords Who accepts no bribery, I have no bribery to offer to You except tears which are more precious than pure gold and precious stones.  Do accept them and grant me pardon.  My Lord and hope, I knock at the door of Your mercy, in hope, faith, and longing, asking for mercy and compassion from Your rich treasure house. Therefore, help me, O lord, and reject me not.  To You I lift my voice, O my Lord and  God.  Cast me not away from Your presence.  Behold, I repent of and confess my iniquity and declare my sin.  Open to me the door of Your mercy even as You did to those repented.  Accept my repentance as You did that of the publican, forgiving my transgressions even as You did forgive Peter.

O my God, my soul is sick with leprosy in sin.  You are capable of healing it.  My tongue is mute of Your praise.  Do set it free in thanksgiving and praising You.  The eyes of my mind see not the light of truth.  Lord I want to see.  O God, what door shall we knock at but Your door, O Lord of mercy and compassion.  Whom have we as our advocate but You, O King, Whom all kings worship, and the Sultan before whom all Sultans kneel and cast low their crowns.

O God, I am aware of my sins and iniquities that are countless.  And if Your righteousness should draw the sword of vengeance, O Lord, whom have I to intercede but Your goodness that has overwhelmed the world?  O God, of all Your servants I am the greatest sinner and the most ungrateful to Your goodness.  Since life is short and death is near, I have no refuge but Your loving kindness.  O rich One, the needy stand at Your doors. Open Your treasure-house and give them satisfying their needs in accordance with Your true promises. 

O God, the sea of mercy, I long with all my heart for Your forgiveness and graciousness and I thirst after Your mercy.  Do pour forth upon me the flood of forbearance. O fountain of goodness, limitless ocean of mercies, O You who are the door of atonement that is open for sinners, O haven of life, do accept my repentance, blot out my transgressions, heal my soul, sanctify me, and grant me to put on the weapon of the Spirit and love that I may defeat the enemy of my salvation. Teach me the way of Your commandments and guide me to the paths of righteousness that I may walk therein and live by Your grace. Amen.



The source:

The Spiritual Treasure on Canonical Prayer, By: Mor Ignatius Ephrem Barsoum

Copyright © 2005 Archdiocese of the Western US.



Prayer To The Eternal Father
Prayer To The Lord Christ
Prayer To The Holy Spirit
Miscellaneous Prayers
Supplication Before Prayer
Meditation Upon Christ’s Passion
Prayer By Mor Ephraim (1)
Prayer By Mor Ephraim (2)
Prayer By Mor Ephraim (3)
Prayer By St. John The Chrysostom
Private Prayer For Repentance
Prayer By Mor Philoxinus of Mabugh
Miscellaneous Short Prayers
1. Awakening
2. Morning
3. Evening
4. On retiring
5. Before work
6. Before study
7. Before reading
    Holy Gospel
Prayer at the Dining Table
Prayer for Confession

Prayer for Communion





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